Now I’m showing Frequency to Mike. Let’s see if he likes it.
Category Archives: uncategorized
Oh, my heavens. Alabama lawmakers are working to raise the state’s legal age for marriage from 14 to 16. Why would a high school freshman need to be married? I didn’t have a girlfriend when I was 14!
Code Monkey
Code Monkey: See, back in 1998 I became the owner of a South American woolly monkey, whom I named Paco, with the intention of training him to assist in my freelance graphic design work… It was no trick at all to train Paco as a graphic designer. Within weeks, he was doing production work in Quark XPress… It didn’t take long to begin wondering if I could teach Paco to program, too. I love Daring Fireball.
GM is pulling their electric car off the market. Slashdot discussion here. Not to be outdone, click Opera Software will cease production of its hybrid vehicle.
Thomas the Crash Engine?
Thomas the Crash Engine? Sometimes I read stuff and I can barely believe that these people are breeding.
Image Rodeo looks very cool. I may have to try it out.
Julio Ojeda-Zapata: If Apple can mount such a formidable challenge to PowerPoint, I’m awfully curious to know what it’s planning in the word-processing space.
SoftwareToGo? More here.
Click here to download the Internet (this is stupid, but I laughed at it).
Hey, Jen
I’m showing Frequency to Jen so she can see how it works. I doubt she’ll be impressed.
Man hit in head with flying sheep head. Really. Story here.
Crazy Apple Point/CounterPoint: Bob Dole likes tabbed browsing.
The windshield wipers on my Saturn wagon are dead. Sure hope it doesn’t rain.
Christopher Hitchens: One wonders what it would take for the Vatican to condemn Saddam’s regime…
Here’s some dubious advice on buying a new computer. When someone’s switching from Mac to PC and tells you not to speak with anyone who has any working knowledge of computers, take the buying advice with several grains of salt.
Daring Fireball: 9-point Monaco is the last surviving masterpiece of the original Macintosh’s painstakingly hand-tuned set of pixel-perfect bitmap fonts, and deservedly so. Sure, it’s been tweaked in recent years (for example, to distinguish the lowercase Lfrom the digit one, the zero from the capital O, and to enlarge certain punctuation characters, like the period, which originally was just a single pixel), but today’s Monaco 9 would look very familiar to a circa-1986 Mac programmer.
Subject to change, here is my list of the ten best Simpsons episodes. I’m already thinking of episodes that should have been included. Dave, meanwhile, inspired by yours truly, has posted his all-time favorite movies. I had neglected The Princess Bride – inconceivable! I may have to revisit my list soon. The Princess Bride was such a fantastic movie with some great quotes: There’s a shortage of perfect breasts in this world. It would be a pity to damage yours.
Try the Flash Mind Reader and see if you can figure it out. I had to search Google for the answer.
I’ve recently become quite attached to the song “Still Fighting It” by Ben Folds. It makes me think of my daughter, especially the line, “You’re so much like me,” immediately followed by “I’m sorry.” The last thing I want is for Gracie to repeat my mistakes and have my same flaws and faults. I want her to better than I am. Fortunately, she’s also very much Jen-derived. Even sadder is the line, “You’ll try and try and one day you’ll fly away from me.” Yes, I’m a sap.
Jen’s Party
We had Jen’s party on Saturday. I think it’s safe to say that she was totally surprised, even shocked. In fact, she spent most of last week being pissed off at me for not doing anything for her 30th birthday. She thought I just didn’t care, even though I was concocting her surprise party the whole time. I felt bad last week; I knew she wasn’t happy with me. But the payoff was worth it. But I made her promise me that she would tell her classroom aide that I’m not actually not a bad husband after all, and that she was wrong to slander my good name. Allison, if you’re reading this, many thanks. I couldn’t have done it without you (or your mom, who cleaned my house top-to-bottom).
COPA Cabana
Wired News: A three-judge panel of the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Thursday that the Child Online Protection Act restricted free speech by barring website operators from posting information inappropriate for minors unless they limited the site to adults. The ruling upheld an injunction blocking the government from enforcing the law. Well, this is certainly an interesting development. Actually, I assumed that this would eventually be struck down, but not necessarily this quickly.
Looks like Steve Jenson of Google (formerly of Pyra Labs) is also enjoying Dave Winer’s posturing regarding the Google/Blogger deal.