Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-08-30

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-08-23

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-08-16

  • Very tempting craigslist post:
    But not for $250. 🙁 #
  • Waiting for the Aleve to kick in… #
  • I can't believe this day isn't even half over yet. #
  • Anybody else having issues with Dreamweaver CS5 on the Mac? Stupid thing won't launch, no rx but the rest of the suite does… #
  • If you're going to place an ad on craigslist, here don't make me use the phone. If we can't do this via email, search you're not web-savvy, just cheap. #
  • Waiting for a very long database script to finish running. #
  • Fine. I give up. I'll start calling them tweets. But I refuse to say tweeps, tweople, or any of that crap. #
  • Just posted a 3.28 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! #RunKeeper #
  • Went clothes shopping tonight because I needed to. I went from XL to S in 4 months. I never thought I'd be able 2 wear a small shirt again. #
  • Heading to bed and realized I never got my laptop out tonight. There's a first for me. #
  • Just completed a 4.02 mi run – More rain would have been nice :). #RunKeeper #
  • AppStorm is giving away three copies of Snippets! #
  • Just completed a 7.50 mi run – 3 chickens, 1 snake, too many hills. #RunKeeper #
  • I'm playing some music at A Taste Of Northern Lancaster County tonight in Ephrata. Rotary-sponsored fundraiser to help Camp No Limits. #
  • Just finished my first set. Now to kill 90 minutes. 🙂 #
  • Rainy day. Mall. Downside: too many people. Upside: Apple Store. 🙂 #
  • Current status: mixing and mastering. #
  • Mastering is (hopefully) done! Uploading some MP3s now… #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-08-09

  • Lunchtime. Meeting a friend at Caruso's. Trying to decide between pizza and sandwich. Decisions… #
  • Tables within tables within tables within tables within tables within tables, thumb all with inline style data and hard coded sizes. Audible sigh. #
  • Showed @jackjillmaddie the first two episodes of "Look Around You" tonight. So glad we share the same love of dry, absurd humor. #
  • Trying to wake up to go for a run… #
  • Just completed a 6.07 mi run – That was rough. #RunKeeper #
  • Pretzel Day. Awww yeah. #
  • I just got some FREE music from Sarah Masen. You can download it here: #
  • Quirks mode would be more aptly named "violence triggering mode". Stupid IE. #
  • Just completed a 0.01 mi run – Humid. Wow. #RunKeeper #
  • For the record, I did 4 miles this morning, not 0.01 as RunKeeper reported. 🙂 #
  • Just completed a 6.98 mi run – Walked like 1/2 mile of it. #RunKeeper #
  • Happy birthday to @DrownInMercy !! #
  • Friday, 4:30 PM. Time to pack up my laptop, crack open a Diet @drpepper and head home for the weekend. #
  • Must go to sleep now. Longest run I've ever done tomorrow morning. I'm loaded up on carbs and feelin' kinda sleepy from it. 🙂 #
  • Just completed a 13.21 mi run – My nipples are bleeding. #RunKeeper #
  • First half marathon is done. Tired. But I feel great! 🙂 #
  • Just caught up on 19 hours of twitter. My OCD forced me to read every tweet. Can't just take a sip from the firehose. #
  • Just completed a 2.96 mi run – Nice easy run to get back into it after the half marathon. #RunKeeper #
  • Back To The Future timelines. #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-08-02

  • Pretzel Day? #
  • Time to run. #
  • Just completed a 6.11 mi run – No fowl play. #RunKeeper #
  • At Dutch Wonderland waiting to pick up my son. #
  • Just completed a 5.48 mi run – This was a four chicken run. #RunKeeper #
  • Internet is down at work. Makes it a long day for a web developer. 🙁 #
  • I'm done with Sergio. #
  • Just had a nice lunch at @saladworks but now I'm conflicted. I had a coupon for a free cookie but I don't know how many calories it has… #
  • Grilling up some burgers. Sorry @DrownInMercy but we won't make it tonight. 🙁
    Grace and I are gonna run here, rx though. 🙂 #
  • Just completed a 3.03 mi walk – Grace's C25k wk 2 day 2. #RunKeeper #
  • Just completed a 6.91 mi run – No chickens – omen or portent? #RunKeeper #
  • Pondering lunch. Pizza or soft pretzels? Or a third option that has thus far eluded me? Decisions… #
  • Chilling out on a leather sofa at Ten Thousand Villages in Ephrata while I wait to go back on stage. This place is way cool. #
  • Playing guitar and bass with Matt Wheeler & Friends tonight, sickness btw, not Superficial Charm. We'll have to get SC to play here soon, though. #
  • Just completed a 6.90 mi run – No chickens. #RunKeeper #
  • Relaxing on a Sunday afternoon. I have work to do, but I'm enjoying some downtime after a busy week and weekend. Eyes are feeling heavy… #
  • Hot tub is drained, scrubbed, and now refilling. The kids helped a lot, so I'm considering a reward consisting of frozen liquid refreshment. #
  • Custom made Diet Cherry Vanilla @drpepper from the local Turkey Hill. Mmmmm… 🙂 #
  • Just completed a 5.33 mi run – Did some wicked hills today. #RunKeeper #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-07-26

  • End of an era: the AppleWorks clip art server appears to be offline. Sorry, ed @theradmom #
  • Just completed a 2.98 mi walk – C25k wk2 d1 w/Grace :). #RunKeeper #
  • Got my first two issues of Runner's World today, thanks to @nevmonster and @DrownInMercy ! #
  • Just completed a 3.99 mi run – Saw the chicken again. #RunKeeper #
  • Must. Caffeinate. More… #
  • Just completed a 5.08 mi run – No chickens today. #RunKeeper #
  • At the K12 User Conference in Hershey. Still weird to see the Etown team without being part of it. Very glad to be at Township, though. #
  • They're going over scheduler enhancements now. Schedulers make my brain hurt. #
  • It's like 60 degrees at this conference. It's almost like being in my cubicle. #
  • Oooooh, door prizes. #
  • Just got my first kernel panic on Snow Leopard. Poop. #
  • Just completed a 3.07 mi walk – Walkin' the pooch. #RunKeeper #
  • Just completed a 3.00 mi run – Short run today. No chicken. #RunKeeper #
  • I've decided to try the Harrisburg Half Marathon in September. Crazy, right? I only started running in April! 🙂 #
  • At Hoss's for lunch with the family. #
  • Anybody out there have a USB 3.5" IDE enclosure I could borrow for a couple days? Need to get data from a friend's 10 year old dead PC. Thx #
  • Just watched the first two episodes of "Look Around You" and almost peed my pants laughing. Funny stuff! #
  • Just completed a 5.88 mi run – Oh wow, that was tough. . #RunKeeper #
  • Leading worship at Oak Hill Fellowship today to help out my friend Ben while he preaches. Looking forward to a great morning! #
  • There was a kid at Oak Hill Fellowship this morning that looked exactly like a teenage Mr. Bean. True story. #
  • Time to get some sleep. Shooting for 5 miles before work tomorrow, followed by a full day of Joomla hacking. #
  • Just completed a 6.05 mi run – It was a chicken free run. #RunKeeper #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-07-19

  • Is it Pretzel Day? Should it be? What do you think? #
  • Skipped AM run. Birthday cake for breakfast. Headache commencing… #
  • Hoss's for lunch. Forced are conspiring to make me go over my calorie budget today. :/ #
  • Second day in a row without running. I feel like Jabba the Hutt. #
  • Doing some tests with the Sencha Touch JavaScript framework. Interesting stuff. You know, find if you're into JavaScript and mobile devices. #
  • Skipped running two days in a row. On exercise bike as penance. #
  • Just posted a 10.00 mi bike ride with @runkeeper. Check it out! #RunKeeper #
  • Just completed a 5.82 mi run – No chickens, ambulance but the GPS messed up. . #RunKeeper #
  • Just completed a 5.00 mi run – Gonna be huuuuumid today. #RunKeeper #
  • My band's new EP "Find Me" is available for FREE at http:// #
  • Just completed a 7.75 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! #RunKeeper #
  • My band's new EP "Find Me" is available for FREE at http:// (repost) #
  • My family & band made the paper! #
  • At the Family Center of Gap for the Bethany Benefit Concert. We go on in about 30 minutes. Should be a good show! #
  • Wow, case that was fun! Great show! #
  • Just completed a 2.98 mi walk with @runkeeper. Check it out! #RunKeeper #
  • “@darthvader: Go Empire. We destroy more planets before 8am than most oil companies do all year.” #
  • Baking muffins. Skipped running today. Should mow but probably won't. #
  • "Is this just water in these ice cube trays?" The things we need to clarify at my house. #
  • Just completed a 4.02 mi run – Could have used a bit more rain :). #RunKeeper #
  • Exploring the dark underbelly of Joomla authentication today. As heavily modded by my predecessor, of course. #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-07-12

  • I introduced my daughter @jackjillmaddie to the wonders of Strong Bad Emails tonight. And we watched on the Wii, story which was pretty cool. #
  • It's 100 degrees outside. And 60 in my cubicle. Day of extremes #
  • I love this weather. I don't mind 100 degrees. It beats shoveling snow. #
  • Just completed a 5.07 mi run – Gonna be hot again. Sweet. :). #RunKeeper #
  • Bazinga! #
  • Dang, I'm hungry. #
  • Watching @jackjillmaddie and @theradmom play Mario Kart. The battle is fierce and furious. #
  • Just completed a 3.99 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! #RunKeeper #
  • Just completed a 3.00 mi walk – C25k week 1 day 3 for Grace. :). #RunKeeper #
  • "Hello My Name Is Lucy" #
  • Anybody want to grab some lunch today? #
  • Sitting outside, enjoying some SaladWorks. #
  • Bob Evans. Breakfast for supper. 'Nuff said. #
  • Just posted a 1.70 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! #RunKeeper #
  • Just completed a 4.97 mi run – Red Rose Course. #RunKeeper #
  • My daughter just emailed Strong Bad. 🙂 #
  • Battle of the Teen Bands commences at 7 at the Art & Soul Cafe. Stop by if you're in the Lancaster area. #
  • Let the battle commence! #
  • Whoa. Didn't expect to hear any RHCP covers tonight. Ska band doing Aeroplane. #
  • Recording session for Matt Wheeler's Ash EP. I'm recording and mixing. Might lay down some bass and guitar for him later. #
  • Watching the kids swim. #
  • Just completed a 5.08 mi run – Almost got chased by a chicken. #RunKeeper #
  • I feel antsy today. #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-07-05

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-28

  • At the Salisbury Zoo. #
  • Stopping at a little pizza place in Dagsboro called GoodFellas. I don't care if it's really owned by the mafia. I'm hungry. #
  • Jen has been putting the boy to bed for an hour and a half. Gonna be another long night… #
  • No iOS 4 for me until I get home from the bay (3g only here). #
  • Working on cover designs for a friend's forthcoming EP. Should be pretty cool. #
  • Just completed a 5.46 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! #RunKeeper #
  • Feeling great today. Good run. Properly hydrated. Calorically appropriate. Now some shopping with the family. #
  • Converse outlet. Awww yeah! #
  • Pretzel Day. At the beach, there no less. Life is good. #
  • There's a storm across the bay. Very beautiful from here. #
  • Just completed a 5.56 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! #RunKeeper #
  • It's possible that I'm going to eat a doughnut today. Likely, order even. #
  • Catchphrase! #
  • Just completed a 4.15 mi run – Only made it 4 miles. Too hot for more. #RunKeeper #
  • Ready for Toy Story 3D! #
  • Toy Story was amazing. Almost as good as Up, ask and that's not a compliment I give lightly. #
  • Power is out across the whole campground. No lights, no water, no nothing. No ETA on power returning. Bring on the adventure. #
  • Just completed a 6.11 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! #RunKeeper #
  • Today I've been married for 16 years. Blessed to be married to a wonderful, smart, funny, hot woman. #
  • Finally on iOS 4 on my 3GS. Upgrade wasn't smooth, but it's done now. #
  • Just completed a 5.25 mi run – 4 miles at my house = 6 miles at the beach. Ugh. . #RunKeeper #
  • Nice slow start to this Saturday. Went for a run, now sitting on the patio with my son, drinking a Diet Dr Pepper. Alas, the lawn beckons. #
  • Came home from vacation earlier than expected. Have a sub to lead worship tomorrow, so I'll likely go visit another church to steal ideas. #
  • Catching up on Wipeout with @jackjillmaddie #
  • Just completed a 3.02 mi run – Took the dog. Big mistake. Poor little fella couldn't keep up and I en … #RunKeeper #
  • Trying to fight off a nap. #
  • Just completed a 4.01 mi run – Wow it's hot! #RunKeeper #
  • If any of you notice @theradmom following you, that's my awesome wife. 🙂 #