Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-04-12

  • I entered for a chance to win an iPad by retweeting this. I sold out, thumb but it's for an iPad! #Ambrosia #
  • Today I decorated my mother-in-law's office with black balloons. Tomorrow she turns 60. #
  • Awesome lunch with @davemancuso & @doctor_bob & @EACIV & @HowlinMadd & @DaxTheDragon at Etown Hoss's today. Talked about old times. #
  • .@AmbrosiaSW releases 4 iPad games, and to celebrate they are giving away an iPad each day all week! #Ambrosia #
  • Just completed Week 1 – Day 1 of #C25K with @c25kapp #c25kapp #
  • In honor of @AmbrosiaSW's new iPad games, they are giving away 5 iPads and their games all week! #Ambrosia #
  • Just completed Week 1 – Day 2 of #C25K with @c25kapp #c25kapp #
  • The only way an iPad can be better, if it was free. So, enter a chance to win a free iPad! #Ambrosia #
  • I did what I did before love came to town. #
  • .@AmbrosiaSW releases 4 iPad games, and to celebrate they are giving away an iPad each day all week! #Ambrosia #
  • The cat is trying to convince me to stop coding and go to bed. Apparently she feels very strongly about this. #
  • Time for sleep. Shady Maple in the morning, so I should really get up and work out first. 😛 #
  • Soundchecking. Tonight I break in the M-Audio ProFire 2626. Awww yeah. #
  • That was a fun show. Anji sang, then August To October, then Superficial Charm. At the end, we all jammed on "All Along The Watchtower." #
  • Jen Rhine, Muppet Hunter #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-04-05

  • Wow. Good practice tonight! #
  • Time for some forensics. #
  • Might have to make a pilgrimage to the Apple Store today. 🙂 #
  • Eeyore and my boy. #
  • Oink. #
  • Time for The Fantastic Mr. Fox. 🙂 #
  • Sitting at Easter dinner talking about nerdy stuff with my nerdy nephew. Life is good. #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-03-29

  • First practice with new guitarist tonight. Should be fun. 🙂 #
  • I'm way more excited about jQuery 1.8 than I should be. Nice autocomplete widget, drug though. #
  • There are days that being a dad is the easiest thing in the world for me. Today was not one of those days. #
  • Holy cow! How long has my fly been down??? Seriously! #
  • Old lady at next table in diner: "That must be how they do a vasectomy. I mean mammogram." Wouldn't want to be her doctor. Yikes. #
  • Just introduced my Saturday night congregation to "Jesus Saves" by @loswhit #
  • This Dell is more handy than I expected. It makes a decent stand for my MacBook Pro. #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-03-22

  • Still not feeling great. Sore throat, remedy pounding headache, pharmacy and really really tired. #
  • Eating some chicken soup that my mom dropped off this morning. My mom rocks. 🙂 #
  • RT @etudeapp I just got a FREE copy of SimpleChord to go with Etude: #
  • I am having a Dave Mancuso moment… They have free wifi at MacDonalds 😉 /via @lownsbery #
  • High five etiquette: #
  • "Into The Woods" at Manheim Township High School. Kids are doing a great job. Intermission, sovaldi sale then Act II. My daughter thought it was over. 🙂 #
  • Hot tub time. Awww yeah…. #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-03-15

  • I guess that wasn't a mole after all. Washed right off. #
  • Thankful for the elders of my church tonight. #
  • I am the sum of the failing and of grace. #
  • Gonna be a good day. I can tell. #
  • Any Moodle gurus out there? #
  • Fun night at The Gathering in Marietta. #
  • Weekend services are planned. Already. #
  • Come one, cure come all… #
  • I have developed an unhealthy obsession with Plants vs Zombies. #
  • Helping at the Steven Courtney concert at Art & Soul Cafe. Trying to keep my son from bugging the band too much. #
  • Just got Rucksack for Mac OS X completely free. Nothing paid! Really awesome! But hurry, remedy only until March 23rd at #
  • I just got Google Reader down to one unread item, cialis and I'm saving that one for later. Fresh start for a new week. 🙂 #
  • And my taxes are done for another year. Federal and state, at least. Who cares about local, anyway? 😉 #
  • Sick day. Bleh. Maybe I'll catch up on The Office today… #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-03-08

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-03-01

  • Oops! Almost worked right through lunch. Time to take a break. Also, stuff Dreamhost. #
  • Every support call I take is a new reminder that despite all of our progress, computers are still too confusing for most people. #
  • 'stockholm syndrome' is FREE for the next 48 hours (until midnight this thursday) here: /via @derekwebb #
  • Chiropractor. Click click crack. #
  • That is some serious freaking wind out there. #
  • Snowed in again. Hope I have some vacation days left by the time summer comes around. #
  • Win TapeDeck from Mac.AppStorm: #
  • Some kind soul just plowed my driveway! I'm free! #
  • At Folklore Coffee for the Kheris show. Currently listening to a subset of Receiving The Ghost. #
  • At my niece's third birthday party. 🙂 #
  • It's a princess party. #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-02-22

  • Glad to be back at work today. #
  • Just ate a faschnacht. Yummy. #
  • Paid my Dreamhost bill for this year. #
  • Sometimes I hate CSS. #
  • Finally set up my svn repository at work. Now I can screw up my code with impunity. 🙂 #
  • Setting up my new M-Audio ProFire 2626. 8 channels of digital goodness. Time to record a new demo. 🙂 #
  • I hate Internet Explorer so freaking much. #
  • Church luncheon. Italian theme. Lots of pasta. Mmmm…. #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-02-15

  • Exercise bike. Won't last long after all that shoveling. #
  • Helping Grace with her spelling and math. Then it's time for Chuck and Big Bang. #
  • All the area that I cleared of snow this morning is now buried deeper than when I started. Too windy to go back out. 🙁 #
  • Still snowed in. Anybody have a plow? At this point, remedy I'm not expecting to get out until Saturday. Maybe. Sigh… #
  • We're dug out. Again. For now. No more snow, please. My back can't take it. #
  • No digging out needed today. Finally! #
  • Tonight's setup: Gretsch + Floor POD Plus. No amp. Sounds great. #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-02-08

  • Crisis averted. Narrowly.
    Also, and DreamHost. #
  • Internet's down at work. Boo!
    But Dreamhost still rocks. #
  • T-minus 4 8 15 16 23 42… #
  • Time for the exercise bike. #
  • Here's where things start to get interesting:
    Textbook Publishers Strike Deals to Bring Content to iPad #
  • Time to go find my car… #
  • Do not use SELECT * in production code. Ever. For many reasons. I'm looking at you, tadalafil guy-I-replaced. #
  • Bit rot is kicking in. Several data systems at work seem to be eating themselves alive. #
  • Before I forget: Dreamhost. #
  • I bought the literary equivalent of a side hug today. from @prodigaljohn #
  • Help me, online Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope. #
  • Dreamhost. That is all. #
  • So far, this snow storm is not impressing me. Let's see if it picks up overnight. #
  • Okay, now *this* is a snowstorm. 🙂 #
  • My kids were playing instruments handed down by our gradfathers: #
  • There are snow drifts in my driveway four and five feet high. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. #
  • Watching Mr. Bean with Gracie. #
  • Mr. Morton is the subject of my sentence, and what the predicate says, he does. #
  • Soreness. I haz it. #
  • Dear Thunderbird,
    Good morning. Have trouble waking up, did we? Glad you could finally join us.
    Brad's other apps #