- Looking forward to the @derekwebb concert at Warehouse 54 this weekend. Wonder if it's solo or full band? #
- Helping Grace with geometry homework. #
- I hate the zamboni in Plants vs Zombies. Hate it! #
- Doogie Smurf: http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=63881 #
- Today is a good day to code. #
- Whoa, seek @prodigaljohn & @clovernews are giving away a Macbook Pro 13 inch. Details http://bit.ly/b1SOlP #
- So intensely bummed that I couldn't make it to the @derekwebb show tonight. Couldn't find babysitting for my son. Come back to PA soon! #
- I just got the Mac Heist bundle. 7 awesome Mac apps worth $260+ for only $20 and got 3 cool bonus apps free! http://bit.ly/heist-it #
- I am the worst father in the world. #