Sure has been quiet around here.
I’m currently gearing up for the start of the school year. Lots to do this year. Normally, at this point, I’m up to my ears in computers that need to be configured, cloned, or otherwise dealt with. This year, however, I am virtually uninvolved in hardware. This summer, we restructured the department and I became the data manager, a new position created this year. As data manager, I’m responsible for getting and keeping all data systems up and running, including child accounting, inventory, tech support, etc. Child accounting is proving to be the biggest challenge, as we try to come to grips with which child accounting/SIS package we’re going to settle on (this year, we’ll be running PowerSchool and IMSeries concurrently, which should keep me plenty busy).
Beyond that, I’ve been frantically at work on Tangelo. I hope to release 1.0b6 (which I hope will be 1.0fc1) this week. I’ve added some great stuff, including custom file names for posts and sections, better image management, and much improved FTP publishing (now with error reporting!). My goal is to have b6 done by Thursday, for reasons which I cannot disclose at this time.
Jen, Gracie, and I have been trying to settle into life at a new church. It’s weird, and it’s different, and sometimes I really don’t like it and I wish that Westwood were still around and that I could see God’s plan from His perspective, but we’re doing the best we can. I’ve been playing on the worship team, along with Josh. To be honest, it’s sometimes a struggle for me to part of the worship team and not the one picking the songs, running rehearsal, and choosing arrangements, but we only grow in situations we’re not used to. And it’s mostly my own ego that sometimes makes me feel that way. Don’t get the wrong idea: I’m not leading an insurrection or anything, and I’m happy to be a team player. It’s just another adjustment.
Time for bed. Hopefully I’ll have more time to update this site.