CBS News: “Two years from now, medicine spam will be solved,” he told a select group of World Economic Forum participants at this Alpine ski resort. “And a lot of progress this year,” he added at the event late Friday, hosted by U.S. talk show host Charlie Rose.
Oh, this should be good. Hopefully this will be as successful as his Secure Computing Initiative.
People would set a level of monetary risk – low or high, depending on their choice – for receiving e-mail from strangers. If the e-mail turns out to be from a long-lost relative, for example, the recipient would charge nothing. But if it is unwanted spam, the sender would have to fork over the cash. “In the long run, the monetary (method) will be dominant,” Gates predicted. And who enforces it? Do I need to use a Microsoft email client for this to work for me? Do I need to use a Microsoft mail server for this to work for me? Will need to switch to all Microsoft products to be able to communicate with the rest of the world when a couple of people start using it?