So, what are all these sites I link to? Here’s a couple.
I just added Will Leshner’s blog, REALbasic Gazette. Will’s a cool guy who frequents the RB NUG and has helped me (probably without knowing) many times.
Etown, of course, is my place of employment. Yes, I do their website. Yes, it stinks right now. I’m working on a major overhaul though. Soon it will be powered by an unstoppable combination of Movable Type, RSS, PHP, PostgreSQL, mySQL, REALbasic, and Frequency.
Mike’s weblog is listed as well. If you visit and you’re wondering, no, he hasn’t been in a horrible accident or anything. He just hasn’t had anything to say, I guess. Frequency-powered!
Split Focus is David’s aptly named site. That’s all I care to comment. Frequency-powered!
Westwood is my church. Fully W3C compliant HTML hand-coded by Mike Schlossman.
Bill’s weblog is called The Other Way I See Things. You have to know Bill. Frequency-powered!
Bill has a blog-based game called Just Five Words that’s usually a real hoot. If you haven’t played yet, you should!
And there’s Desktop Joe. He doesn’t post often, but he posts more often than Mike. Frequency-powered!