I lost my Pop-Pop this morning. He died of heart failure around 2:00 AM. And now my heart is broken, story too. He was a wonderful and wise man whose life was marked by service to others. I learned so much from him and I love him and miss him terribly. Please pray for my Grandma.
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We’re out of dog food, so tonight Jack is having a lovely combination of dog treats, baby carrots, and Multigrain Cheerios.
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Okay, I’ve been down sick with a cold for about a day and a half, but I’m feeling much better tonight. Yesterday happened to be day 49 of my run streak, so I’m going to go try to do a mile or two on the treadmill and see how I do. One miles is all that’s required to count toward the streak.
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Looks like my run streak ends at 49 days. My cold is worse today. So disappointed.
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Home for the day. I feel a cold coming on and I don’t have time for that, so I’m just resting in the hopes it will be gone by tomorrow.
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This year I will be continuing my 39 year streak of never having been to the Farm Show.
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Just watched Moonrise Kingdom and was reminded once again what a brilliant filmmaker Wes Anderson is. The only thing missing from the movie was Futura.
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I recently said to my son, nurse “Can we talk about something other than lightsabers?” I honestly never expected to say those words. Hear them, yes. Say them, no.
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My two word review of this snowstorm: Bah, search humbug!
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My home is filled with peace and joy right now. Grace is taking pictures of the snow with her new iPhone, pharm Jonathan is taking a shower with his new Spider-Man soap, tadalafil Jen is sleeping, and I just got off the treadmill. Wish it could always be like this. Merry Christmas to all my friends and family!