I kinda forgot that yesterday was Groundhog Day. Wouldn’t have been a bad day at all to get stuck repeating over and over.
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Spent all in a recording studio. Spending the evening at Columbia Music Night. Awesome day. 🙂
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Next weekend, The Juan Catorce Band goes into the studio for our first recording. And there’s a slight chance that we’ll all even be healthy!
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It’s like 40 degrees in this training room. Thankfully that’s still way warmer than it is outside.
Still cold in here, though.
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Off to Allentown today for some Sapphire training.
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I need to move somewhere that doesn’t smell like the world’s worst fart eight months out of the year. Whatever they’re spreading on the field across the street is pure evil.
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My life has been appreciably better since I decided that broken pretzels don’t have any calories (the calories fall out, you see).
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Thank you Linda and Terry Blessing for helping with the music today, advice thank you Ali Mummert and Carl Mummert for watching Jonathan, and thank you Jen Rhine for being my brain today. 🙂
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Today I sang the hardest song I’ve ever had to do. I’ve done “How Great Thou Art” hundreds of times and never had a problem, but something about singing it at my grandfather’s funeral made it tough to get through. But Pop-Pop and I always shared music as a bond, so I couldn’t think of a better way to honor him.
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Thanks for the birthday wishes, pharm everyone! 🙂