Based on a lunch conversation from last week, I’ve added a new category to the sidebar: Top 10 Lists.
Author Archives: brad
CIPA Goes To Washington
CIPA goes to the supreme court.
Microsoft apparently expects to compete with Linux with its new $399 server. That’s a good first step, but it’s not as cheap as free. And it’s still not as good a deal as Mac OS X Server, which you get with unlimited client licenses! Microsoft’s new mini-server comes with no client access licenses.
The program that I use to update this website is called Frequency. I’m preparing for a beta release within the next week or two. If you are interested in testing this program, please contact me via email. Feel free to encourage others to do so as well. Beta testers will receive a free copy of the program when it’s released. At this point, I’m planning on releasing beta versions for Mac OS X and Mac OS Classic; a Windows version may follow later. A Blogger account is required.
Dave comments on Apple’s rumored music service. Sounds cool to me! Here’s the related Slashdot discussion.
Duck Hunting
“Going to war without the French is like going duck hunting without your accordion.”
I Am Mr Do.
![]() I am sedentary by nature, enjoying passive entertainment, eating when the mood takes me, and playing with my food. I try to avoid conflict, but when I’m angered, I can be a devil – if you force me to fight, I will crush you. With apples. |
The Banana Junior 6000 Series
The Banana Junior 6000 Series archives. I sorely miss Bloom County.
I love MacOSXHints, but I don’t get why anyone would want to do this particular thing.
Dave Is Alive!
Bush and God
Bush and God – a fascinating piece about the president’s faith. Say what you want about Bush. If nothing else, I believe his faith is sincere.
This is old and out of date, but if you’re a fan of Professor Frink, you’ll love it.
More progress on the bathroom today. The highpoint: my father-in-law was spreading concrete on the subfloor to get it ready for the backerboard, when the dog decided to pay him a visit. Jack left little concrete pawprints down the hall.
A Less Than Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood
Patrick Norton writes about making the switch.
A great product is no more: BBEdit Lite, the free one. That’s a shame, because it was an awesome text editor. Now it costs $50 and it’s called Text Wrangler, which, while I love Bare Bones, is a horrible freakin’ name.
Very sadly, a great man is no more. Fred Rogers will be missed. I grew up watching his show. My Mom continued to watch it even after I left home. He was such a wonderful influence on kids. Very sad news.
John Perry Barlow: As it turned out, this is more or less what Cheney and his phalanx of Big Stategic Thinkers were doing, if one imagined the Soviet Union as a speeding Mexican bus. They were determined to project such a vision of implacable, irrational, lethality that the Soviet leaders would decide to capitulate rather than risk universal annihilation. It worked. Fascinating article. John Perry Barlow, one of the smartest guys around, writing about Dick Cheney, whom he considers to be one of the smartest guys around.
Here’s an article that perfectly echos the criticisms I have against web-based applications.
Finally, before I go to bed, one last article. A very sad one.