Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-25

  • Numbers don't lie. Seriously – they're not sentient so they're incapable of deceit. #
  • Spider in the urinal. Mwuhahaha… #
  • Just watched "Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein" with @jackjillmaddie & it was awesome. I'm so glad she gets a kick out of old movies. #
  • Just completed a 3.10 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! #RunKeeper #
  • Downloading Lion. T-minus 45 minutes. #
  • Lion upgrade process revealed issues with my MacBook Pro's hard drive. Won't install, online and won't boot back to Snow Leopard. I'm stuck. #
  • WAIT! After several failed attempts, fsck may have gotten me back in the game… I'll know for sure in a few minutes. #
  • I went into the Lion installer's terminal and ran fsck_hfs directly on /dev/rdisk0s2 and may be back in business. #
  • It's alive! The Lion roars! Patiently waited while fsck_hfs ran for a really long time. Lion now installed. HD seems to be fine. Sweet. πŸ™‚ #
  • Pretty cool that an app I compiled with REALbasic over three years ago runs fine in Lion. #
  • It's 100 degrees out there and I just ate lunch outside. I love this weather. πŸ™‚ #
  • Wish I'd gotten out for a run before work this morning. I've been so tired all week. Having trouble waking up. Bleh. #
  • Just posted a 3.10 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! #RunKeeper #
  • Just completed a 4.15 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! #RunKeeper #

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