- likes Upside Down by Jack Johnson on Ping http://t.co/UMibEW0 #iTunes #
- Just completed a 5.11 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/aok4i7 #RunKeeper #
- Envato Freelance Mac App Bundle on sale now! $300+ of Mac Apps and more for just $49. Limited Time Only! http://enva.to/lux83m #
- Except for RunKeeper auto-posts, physician I haven't been on Twitter since Sunday. What did I miss? Are we still at 140 characters or have we been upg #
- raded? #
- Just completed a 4.02 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/aon1t5 #RunKeeper #
- Just completed a 3.11 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/aosrli #RunKeeper #
- I just got some FREE music from Brooke Waggoner on @noisetrade. Download it here: http://t.co/abUSmdW #
- I just got some FREE music from Brandi Carlile on @noisetrade. Download it here: http://t.co/rmLA1wT #
- I heart @NoiseTrade #
- This seems like one of those "everybody wins" situations: http://t.co/NgJWEjz #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/aourbd #RunKeeper #