- Happy Star Wars Day!
May the 4th be with you. # - Just got Cockpit for Mac OS X completely free. Nothing paid! Awesome! There is also a bundle! Limited time only: http://www.macbuzzer.com #
- This is awesome:
http://www.whitevinyldesign.com/solarbeat/ # - Superficial Charm at Marietta Day on May 15:
http://superficialcharm.com/images/20100515.jpg # - Just completed Week 3 – Day 3 of #C25K with @c25kapp #c25kapp #
- Lunch outside at one of our elem schools. Beautiful day for it! #
- Here's my evening: http://twitpic.com/1llz1b #
- Watched my two year old repeatedly give herself brain freeze at supper tonight. Love that kid! #
- This morning I ran (most of) two miles with some very encouraging friends. Farthest and longest I've ever run. Goal = 5k in August. #
- Just completed Week 4 – Day 1 of #C25K with @c25kapp #c25kapp #
- Either I'm having my first allergy attacking months or I caught the fastest cold in history. Either way, view achoo! #