This is Sybil.
Isn’t she pretty? She’s a Parkwood. That’s Australian Blackwood on her.
I picked her up on December 30, and Guitar Center let me have her for the January price (which was significantly lower). I checked her out a couple days before that and pretty much fell in love.
She’s a hybrid (yes, I finally bought a hybrid), so I can get acoustic and electric sounds out of her with ease. And she plays very nicely. She uses electric strings, and I’ve been playing my Alvarez almost exclusively and neglecting my Rickenbacker for so long that she’s amazingly easy to play.
Tonight was the first I used her for more than just messing around. We had Worship Team practice at church, so I plugged her right into the PA through a direct box. She sounded great. The acoustic sound was fantastic.
While I was at Guitar Center and spending money as if it were no object, I went ahead and picked up a Floor POD, too.
So I have a pretty sweet setup right now.
Which is good, because Tom and I are finally working on some recording, which we’ve been intending to do but not actually doing for far too long.
Now the question is: do I keep the Rickenbacker or sell it off? I’m definitely keeping the Alvarez, for two reasons. One, I love its rich, dark sound. Two, I’d like to have a real, honest-to-goodness acoustic around, just in case. But the Rickenbacker…. I don’t know. I just can’t see where I’d use it in the foreseeable future.