
Yeah, I know. New Year’s Resolutions are so passe. But I don’t care. Now seems as good a time as any to make some fresh starts. So here are my New Year’s Resolutions for 2007.

1) Lose 30 pounds.
This is a two pronged resolution. First, since I’ve been so very lax with my eating habits, I need to get back onto the Atkins diet full force. Second, since I’ve been so very lazy when it comes to taking care of my body, I need to start exercising. With our school district’s wellness center across the hall from my office, I really have no good excuse. I’m going to shoot for one hour twice a week, plus regular walks. Right now I’m at 210 pounds, and I’d like to hit 180 in or around March. I’m hoping to use this blog to keep me somewhat accountable, so I’m going to try to post regular updates about my weight and my diet/exercise status. Don’t be afraid to hassle me about it.

2) Read the entire Bible.
I did this in 2003, and since then, I haven’t been as faithful as I should be in studying the Bible. I still have my Daily Walk Bible that I used in 2003, and I plan to use it again.

3) Get more sleep.
‘Nuff said.

So there you have it. Nothing earth-shattering, and probably nothing even that out of the ordinary, but that’s how I want to be better this year.

How about you?

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