This weekend, I…
– mowed the front yard for the first time this year, nearly obliterating my lawnmower in the process. I should have mowed sooner, but I didn’t want to mow right after installing the invisible dog fence.
– finally saw The Passion of the Christ. Wow. What an amazing film. Incredibly moving and powerful. Yeah, in the end, it’s just a movie, and Gibson took a few liberties, but it’s a great movie. I highly recommend seeing this movie if you haven’t yet.
– released tangelo 1.0b1 to my testers. What? You didn’t get the message? Then you’re obviously not on the mailing list.
– was dismayed to realize that SQLite doesn’t support ALTER TABLE. That sucks. I’ve worked around it, but it still sucks.
– attended the newcomer class at LCBC. The best part was when the pastor pointed out that one of their leadership principles is to “eliminate entropy in its earliest stages.” Or, in other words, to change direction when something isn’t working, the earlier the better. My good friend Andy, who happens to be a hydraulic engineer, was sitting next to me. He loved it. Any church that can refer to thermodynamics in its leadership principles is OK with him. Plus, the pastor opened this week’s sermon by driving a Plymouth Prowler onto the stage, and you have to respect that.
– re-read a hilarious story about a blimp and alligator brains and a large, silent, menacing presence that could fly. If you’ve never this story, you must. It is absolutely hilarious and very well written.
– had a lovely evening with Jen on Friday. Grace had an impromptu sleepover at Jen’s parents’ house, so we had the place to ourselves, after the movie and dinner with a friend.
– fixed some issues and bugs for tangelo 1.0b2. Sunday afternoons can be very productive for me. We almost always eat lunch with Jen’s parents, at their house. After lunch, Grace plays Barbies and make-up with Nana and Jen while Pops settles in for a well-deserved Sunday afternoon nap. I break out the laptop and crank out code. I also revamped some of the button icons, with a little bit of help from Jen (the globe icon carries her influence).
– finally made it to Celebrate Life this morning to see Tanya and Steve. Steve wasn’t there.
– wondered where I’ll be working this time next month. I thought about PowerSchool, IMSeries, LDAP, and writing my own CMS from the ground up. I hope SwordFish is ready soon. I just sent an email to REAL Software asking if SwordFish will be available for beta testing the way REALbasic currently is.
– finished watching Pulp Fiction. I’m probably the only guy around who watched Pulp Fiction and The Passion in the same weekend. It was pretty good. It wasn’t as non-linear as Mike had led me to believe, but telling the story out of sequence was effective. It was the first of Quentin Tarantino’s films that I’ve seen. I’d watch another. I think Dan wants me to see Reservoir Dogs.
– decided that I will use four by fours to prop up the new gazebo. Or as the Engrish instructions call it, my Ancient Pavilion. Three stacked horizontally should do it. Then I’ll put some faux-stone paint on them.
– ate several bowls of sugar free ice cream with sugar free chocolate syrup. And yes, I paid for it. Several times.