Jonathan Amos: People who experience a sense of spirituality in church may be reacting to the extreme bass sound produced by some organ pipes. Yes, we must explain away every aspect of spirituality! Wait — my church doesn’t have an organ. But we do have a bass guitar, played by my wife. I wonder what that means?
Christopher Hitchens: If our Congress or our executive mansion had been immolated that morning, would some people still be talking as if there was a moral equivalence between the United States and the Taliban? Would they still be prattling as if the whole thing was an oblique revenge for the Florida recount? Of course they would.
Paul H. B. Shin: Wolf called the cops when the bride began walking barefoot down a state highway. The wedding my family attended on Saturday in Ocean City, NJ, was likely much more subdued than this, although the bride and groom did end up on the Ferris Wheel at Wonderland Pier. I wouldn’t know; Grace and I spent a long overdue day together, riding rides, talking walks, and caring for the bride’s dog, who shall come to be known as Tucker McFutty.
Gil Kaufman: More than a year after being diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer, singer/songwriter Warren Zevon, age 56, died in his sleep on Sunday afternoon in Los Angeles, according to his label, Artemis Records. Sad to see him go. I remember when he filled in for Paul Shaffer on The Late Show while Paul was filming the affront to John Belushi’s memory known as Blues Brothers 2000. Warren was great; I hoped Paul wouldn’t come back.
Apple Tech Info Library: If you used Open Firmware Password utility to create a password that contains the capital letter “U”, your password will not be recognized during the startup process. This is the weirdest TIL article I’ve ever read. This has to be a major screwup somewhere. I blame Jimmy.
Ina Fried: Microsoft did not admit wrongdoing in the settlement, in which Be will receive $23.2 million after attorneys’ fees. The total amount Microsoft will pay was not immediately clear from a joint statement by the two companies. Not that it matters now.
Geraldine Sealey: For those roughly 21 to 35 years of age, Pollan said, there’s a special brand of discontent. They’re looking to their work for fulfillment — and more often than not, it’s not happening. I can’t imagine.
Oh yeah, by the way, work sucks right now. Posting may become even more erratic as we trudge through a huge backlog of tech requests and I continue to work toward Frequency 1.2 and HUB 1.0.