Anybody else tired of seeing these “confidentiality” messages at the bottoms of people’s emails? Here’s a typical one. Let’s look at it.
Unless expressly stated otherwise, this message (and any attachment(s)
thereto) is confidential and may be privileged.
Already, things are falling apart. Email is technologically public in nature. If the information is that sensitive that you feel a disclaimer is warranted, you may want to think about a different transport, or at least using PGP.
It is intended for the addressee(s) only.
No kidding, Sherlock. The ironic part is that this particular message was lifted from a message to a mailing list!
If you are not an addressee, any disclosure or copying of the contents of this e-mail or any action taken (or not taken) in reliance on it is strictly prohibited.
So, if you screw up, I have to cover your butt? I would, because I’m a nice person, but don’t tell me I’m strictly prohibited from doing something with this message.
If you are not an addressee, please inform sender immediately and delete this message from your system.
Uh, yeah, I’ll get right on that.