Yesterday was interesting. I forgot to mention that instead of our regular worship service (not the sunrise service for which I arrived late), we had a Passover dinner, or Seder dinner. A Messianic Jew and her husband walked us through the elements of the Passover, explaining the significance of each. It was fascinating. There are so many parallels between the Passover dinner and the death and resurrection of Jesus. As the woman (I can’t remember her name) explained, the Old and New Testaments really are one big book, despite the fact that a lot of Christians tend to ignore the Old Testament. But the Old Testament, if nothing else, is context for the new. If we truly want to understand the nature of Christ, we need to study Jewish culture. Jesus was Jewish, after all.
Anyway, the experience was very informative, and I hope to do it again someday.
And of course, I somehow got roped into playing guitar when they sang us a song. But that was cool. It was fun to play in a whole different style from what I’m used to playing.