The Spread of the Sapphire/Slammer Worm, from Berkeley. Scary stuff. Propagation speed was Sapphire’s novel feature: in the first minute, the infected population doubled in size every 8.5 (±1) seconds. The worm achieved its full scanning rate (over 55 million scans per second) after approximately three minutes, after which the rate of growth slowed down somewhat because significant portions of the network did not have enough bandwidth to allow it to operate unhindered. Most vulnerable machines were infected within 10-minutes of the worm’s release.
Bill says hi.
If you are a classroom teacher and you have a Mac, this offer is too good to pass up. Seriously. Apple is making some great moves in education right now.
Speaking of Apple, InfoWorld has named the “Apple Platform” as one of the Top Ten Technologies of 2002: The Mac platform is taking shape as one that users and developers outside Apple’s established niche markets can embrace.