The show on Sunday night went well. The audience wasn’t very big, but I think that can be expected when you’re an unknown band playing in Elizabethtown, PA, in 98 degree weather. The good news is that the show was recorded, so I should have some new MP3s to post very soon, and not just me on the guitar like the lame ones I have here already! But a real, honest-to-goodness band. Almost.
Since then, things have been frenzied. Monday night was a picnic at my boss’s boss’s house. It was a really nice time, but an hour drive each way, so we got home late. Tuesday was supposed to be en eldership meeting, but that was cancelled due a baby being born that morning (congratulations, Andy & Julie!). So instead I went out and switched to Cingular wireless, which I’m liking a lot. I really like my Ericsson phone. Eventually I want the Bluetooth adaptor for it. Then Wednesday was Worship Team practice, as always. Tonight was an informational meeting about SWAN, Pennsylvania’s Statewide Adoption Network. Jen and I have a lot of thinking to do in the near future. And of course, all of this among the annual mid-August to mid-October school-technology-insanity-fest.