- jQuery is being good to me today. #
- Sometimes I wonder if my son will ever be truly healed. So many memories he can't even talk abt yet. Wish we had had him those 1st 4 years. #
- Purring like a friggin' motorcycle @ El Rancho Rhino http://instagr.am/p/Cb4L9/ #
- Been off Zyrtec for 72 hours. Feeling okay, buy cialis but really tired. Feels almost like caffeine withdrawal but thankfully without the headache. #
- Switched my work email to Sparrow 1.1. Nice change over Postbox, shop which was a nice change over TBird. Personal stuff is still in Apple Mail. #
- Just ate an Altoid. It was curiously strong. #
- Boys' Night In = Workout Night @ El Rancho Rhino http://instagr.am/p/Ce23A/ #
- Just posted a 7.00 mi bike ride with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/ahitx3 #RunKeeper #
- Veggie Tales… Of Terror! @ El Rancho Rhino http://instagr.am/p/Cga1V/ #
- Playing at the open mic at @Folklore_Coffee tonight! #
- Fire drill! #
- Support local music! #FollowFriday @Folklore_Coffee @NutHillCafe @PrinceStCafe @augusttooctober @super_charm #
- Just completed a 5.29 mi bike ride with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/ahmjbg #RunKeeper #
- Do you by any chance have six fingers on your right hand? @ Folklore Coffee http://instagr.am/p/CiSa4/ #
- Off to the Conewago Trail for a run with friends this AM. Sure is cold out there, for sale though! #
- Just completed a 8.04 mi run – Conewago! http://rnkpr.com/ahnq4m #RunKeeper #
- I already 8 miles in this bitter cold and now my son wants to play outside. :/ #
- But I'm doing it of course. π #
- Jon playing outside @ El Rancho Rhino http://instagr.am/p/CjptF/ #
- My reward for this morning's run @ El Rancho Rhino http://instagr.am/p/Cjvkw/ #
- Grace's next book just arrived. Can't wait for her to read this! @ El Rancho Rhino http://instagr.am/p/Cj0PT/ #
- My son is singing "Great Is *My* Faithfulness" and, I believe, missing the point of the song. #
- Led worship at church this morning with the help of @GretschUSA & @Line6 with a dash of @drpepper #
- Shamrock Shakes! @ Mcdonald's http://instagr.am/p/CmTcB/ #
Tag Archives: twitter
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-21
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/agzn28 #RunKeeper #
- Installing IE9 final on my Windows 7 machine. #
- I love it when my wife calls out of the blue and asks me out to lunch. π #
- True! RT @evercode: @bradrhine PostgreSQL. The only real database. π #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/ah3zuj #RunKeeper #
- Happy Saint Patrick's Day. Just so you know, mind I'm wearing orange today. π #
- Another yummy lunch at @PaneraBread. I love that they list the calorie counts on the menu. #
- For the record, advice I do have some Irish in my heritage. I'm just not that excited about it. #
- No offense to any Irish people, of course. I also have German, Swedish, and French, and I don't really care about that either. π #
- Mmmmmmm… @ Olive Garden http://instagr.am/p/CUHHm/ #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/ah619g #RunKeeper #
- Drummin' Jerry http://instagr.am/p/CVyWN/ #
- Just took my last dose of antibiotics. Not gonna miss that! #
- I was going to run outside but it's colder and windier than I thought. Guess I'll hit the treadmill. #
- Just posted a 9.00 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/ah970h #RunKeeper #
- Showing Mom Doodle Jump @ Lincoln Highway Diner http://instagr.am/p/CZZYf/ #
- Rita's Wild Black Cherry: The Aftermath http://instagr.am/p/CZ-vt/ #
- Homemade gluten free pizza http://instagr.am/p/CaF3p/ #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-14
- I officially have strep throat. Today is now Day 1 of my ten day antibiotic treatment. #
- Reserve your connect.me username http://cxt.me/SZxhbw #
- This is hopefully my last sick day for a long time. #
- Been on antibiotic for a bit over 24 hours. Starting to feel human again. #
- About time! π RT @dhh: Rails 3.1 will ship with jQuery as the default JavaScript library. Prototype helpers/RJS are going into a gem. #
- New cubicle @ Manheim Township District Office http://instagr.am/p/CKNAg/ #
- Tunnel vision @ Blue Mountain Tunnel http://instagr.am/p/CKo78/ #
- The cabin where I spent the weekend. http://instagr.am/p/CN6Ol/ #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-09
- Echofon is really crashy on my iPhone. #
- Dinner with my family. Kids are chatty. Dog is barking. Headache coming on. #
- A platypus is not a fish. A platypus is NOT a fish! #
- Just posted a 11.00 mi bike ride with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/adr786 #RunKeeper #
- My driveway looks like Hoth. I should be driving an AT-AT instead of my Astra. #
- Nice going! // RT @wlesh: Achieved a new personal record with @RunKeeper: Farthest distance… http://bit.ly/dEsYx9 #FitnessAlerts #
- Plumbing the depths of the AS/400. Not for the faint of heart. #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/aduhpu #RunKeeper #
- I slept really poorly last night. #
- Yes, doctor please. π http://instagr.am/p/BA-4F/ #
- Just posted a 6.00 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/adxnzg #RunKeeper #
- Sing Sing Sing, look God Of 2nd Chances, sickness Let The Walls Fall Down, On Jordan's Stormy Banks I Stand, We Fall Down #SundaySetList @loswhit in reply to loswhit #
- Today is a good day to lead worship with my Gretsch Electromatic π #
- Did a six mile run yesterday so I probably won't run today. Thinking a bike ride later. #
- Just posted a 20.00 mi bike ride with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/adzjub #RunKeeper #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-01-10
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/adb222 #RunKeeper #
- I should really be using twitter more than I am. #
- At the chiropractor. #
- New Big Bang Theory tonight? Sweet! That will go well with my bowl of ice cream. #
- Just posted a 5.00 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/adk373 #RunKeeper #
- I'm not convinced that Jack likes his sweater. π http://instagr.am/p/7PwF/ #
- Small town http://instagr.am/p/78ip/ #
- Just posted a 3.50 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/adm8qv #RunKeeper #
- Nice going, prostate Will! // RT @wlesh: Achieved a new personal record with @RunKeeper: Farthest distance… http://bit.ly/dEsYx9 #FitnessAlerts #
- This afternoon, stuff I taught the @crossings_cc staff how to use WordPress to update our new website. http://bit.ly/gyI0qS #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-01-03
- Just posted a 11.00 mi bike ride with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/acvoym #RunKeeper #
- Christmas: The Aftermath http://instagr.am/p/vNqe/ #
- Breakfast for supper. Awww yeah. http://instagr.am/p/vRYY/ #
- No activity detected. http://instagr.am/p/wThP/ #
- Lost my voice last night. Feeling pretty run down, thumb but at work anyway. Bleh. #
- Γ’β¬Ε@jackjillmaddie: my dad lost his voice and sounds like darth vader.Γ’β¬Β // yeah that'd be me π #
- Things I thought I'd never say, sickness Vol 12: "What did I tell you about putting glasses on the dog?" #
- This is fantastic! RT @runkeeper: Big news: RunKeeper Pro is FREE Through The Month of January! http://bit.ly/gKv6aw #
- I haz a box http://instagr.am/p/x1gw/ #
- Getting ready for the New Year's Eve movie party at church! @ Crossings Community Church http://instagr.am/p/y8O2/ #
- Here's Grace. Hangin' out at the stick. http://instagr.am/p/y_j-/ #
- Just posted a 6.00 mi run – Last run of 2010. http://rnkpr.com/ad0jl9 #RunKeeper #
- Watching Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs at church. Holy cow: Mr. T, try Bruce Campbell, and Neil Patrick Harris all in the same movie! #
- And fall they shall… @ Crossings Community Church http://instagr.am/p/zhGA/ #
- Almost there… @ Crossings Community Church http://instagr.am/p/zmxy/ #
- Happy New Year! http://instagr.am/p/zm9q/ #
- And there go the balloons π @ Crossings Community Church http://instagr.am/p/znEa/ #
- Every party has one π http://instagr.am/p/zn1A/ #
- Just posted a 6.00 mi run – Last run of 2010. http://rnkpr.com/ad1pht #RunKeeper #
- Just completed a 4.24 mi run – Great way to start the year. http://rnkpr.com/ad1prm #RunKeeper #
- Hey now… http://instagr.am/p/0dX6/ #
- What? 2011? When did that happen? #
- My Top Followers in 2010: @robbydawes @howlinmadd @jackjillmaddie @nevmonster @kevinriner. Find yours @ http://mytopfollowersin2010.com #
- I feel like I'm forgetting something really important. #
- Just posted a 15.00 mi bike ride with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/ad563w #RunKeeper #
- Still no voice. Since Tuesday night. Thankful that my friend Jeff was able to step in and lead worship for me today. #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-12-27
- I just tweeted about @taptaptap's launch of Voices 2 for iPhone and got the addictive $20 Penguins Arena FREE! http://is.gd/j3aYL #
- Ugliest guitars of 2010:
http://j.mp/gR5bgL # - Just posted a 3.50 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/acrsfa #RunKeeper #
- Holding my breath. Will release some time before 7:00. #
- Some people need to go get some ice cream.
More specifically, drug I need to go get some ice cream. # - District Office holiday luncheon time. #
- A catered lunch means my evening is pretty well mapped out. #
- Just posted a 5.50 mi run – Also bench press and crunches. http://rnkpr.com/actddb #RunKeeper #
- Doing our traditional Christmas Eve family house cleaning. Not a jolly time. #
- Ho ho ho! http://instagr.am/p/rxgh/ #
- Christmas ball earrings from Jonathan π http://instagr.am/p/r8h7/ #
- My Gracie http://instagr.am/p/r8m7/ #
- Gracie the Elf http://instagr.am/p/sAnl/ #
- The Force is strong with this one #starwars http://instagr.am/p/sKWp/ #
- Jedi Jen http://instagr.am/p/sRgH/ #
- Have yourself a merry merry Christmas. Have yourself a good time. But remember the kid who got nothing while you're drinking down your wine. #
- Merry Christmas, malady everybody. Eat well. Be safe. Have fun. Remember the reason. #
- The finishing touch in my exercise room π http://instagr.am/p/tHGM/ #
- Just posted a 6.00 mi run – Merry Christmas to my fellow runners. http://rnkpr.com/acu6c5 #RunKeeper #
- Grace got the Force Trainer for Christmas. The Force is strong with this one. @starwars #starwars #starwarsxmas http://twitpic.com/3jo3rj #
- I spent a LOT at the iTunes Store today. Like over thirty bucks. Thanks for the gift card, Mom! π #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-12-20
- Win A Copy of Screens for iPhone and iPad on MacStories: http://mcstr.net/gTZYhQ #
- Just posted a 6.50 mi bike ride with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/acmqwq #RunKeeper #
- As a longtime, stomach diehard Mac user & fanboy, I need to say that right now, there are too many bundles right now. Way to flood the market, guys. #
- Γ’β¬Ε@darthvader: Just how many planets *do* I have to blow up before I'm named TIME's Person of the Year?Γ’β¬Β // Double your efforts. #
- Contractor just called. My exercise room is done! Sweet! #
- The mighty huntress nabs another one! http://instagr.am/p/lKpO/ #
- I haven't used NetNewsWire on my MacBook Pro at all since @reederapp came out. What a difference! #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run – First workout in the new exercise room! http://rnkpr.com/acow6x #RunKeeper #
- #ff running buddies: @jackjillmaddie @nevmonster @DrownInMercy @EACIV @RobbyDawes #
- #ff worship folks @KevinRiner @mattofact @RobbyDawes @Acousticdonk @derekwebb #
- #ff Lancaster people @bethcardwell @EACIV @benjaminbachman @nick__francis @unveildpatterns #
- These pretzels are making me thirsty. #
- Wow. 501 south is terrible. #
- Just posted a 5.00 mi run – This run sponsored by Arcade Fire's The Suburbs. http://rnkpr.com/acphw0 #RunKeeper #
- The great grandkids made a pillowcase for Grandma Becker @ Landis Homes http://instagr.am/p/mwJn/ #
- Green Chucks http://instagr.am/p/mwWH/ #
- My little elves http://instagr.am/p/mxtV/ #
- Yes, that's a hammer. http://instagr.am/p/m3Mj/ #
- Hiding http://instagr.am/p/m3-H/ #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-12-13
- Treadmill time. #
- Just posted a 3.50 mi run – Treadmill run; it's even cold in my garage. http://rnkpr.com/achc7g #RunKeeper #
- Reading homework @ El Rancho Rhino http://instagr.am/p/fUTm/ #
- Watching old Police Squad episodes with @jackjillmaddie #
- Just posted a 4.50 mi run – Getting ready for the Jingle Bell Run this Sunday. http://rnkpr.com/aciut8 #RunKeeper #
- Thanks for the note of encouragement, cheap @loswhit! What a great surprise! π #
- "The problem with internet quotes and statistics is that they're often wrongfully believed to be true."
– Abraham Lincoln # - But Andrew Jackson can be quoted: Γ’β¬ΕSocial networking is in its infancy and IΓ’β¬β’m guessing it will become as widespread as email." @HowlinMadd in reply to HowlinMadd #
- RT @HowlinMadd: "Instant messaging will play an essential role in the reconstruction of the Union." -U.S. Grant. #
- "Without Facebook, the rebellion could never have existed. Without Twitter, it could not continue."
– Lincoln @HowlinMadd in reply to HowlinMadd # - Just posted a 2.00 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/acjkvo #RunKeeper #
- This might the coolest thing ever:
http://j.mp/feOaGA # - They were a favorite of Thomas Jefferson. RT @HowlinMadd: "Bacon. Wrapped. Caramels." #
- .@jackjillmaddie sounds like a plan. I guess you're not worried about @theradmom seeing this π in reply to jackjillmaddie #
- Flipboard on the iPad is amazing. I can totally see why Apple named it app of the year. #
- Just posted a 6.00 mi run – Thanks to Brian Setzer for providing the soundtrack for this run. http://rnkpr.com/ackmth #RunKeeper #
- Filming a Christmas video for church with eight toddlers. Now I understand why George Lucas uses CGI and puppets. #
- Christmas Bunny http://instagr.am/p/iAGO/ #
- My boy's smile http://instagr.am/p/iAK_/ #
- Waiting for pictures http://instagr.am/p/iFg-/ #
- The mall at Christmas http://instagr.am/p/iINR/ #
- Jingle Bell Run! π #
- Just completed a 3.15 mi run – Jingled all the way. http://rnkpr.com/aclr2t #RunKeeper #
- Today I led worship, encouraged a friend, ran a 5K, winterized the hot tub, and rearranged the basement. Specialization is for insects. #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-12-06
- Pneumonia? That's no way for a man to die. A parachute not opening… that's a way to die. RIP Leslie Nielsen. You were one of the greats. #
- Γ’β¬Ε@realsoftware: What are you planning on building with REAL Studio Web Edition? #realstudio β¬Β an intranet #
- Drummin Jerry @ Superficial Charm World Headquarters http://instagr.am/p/ax-q/ #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/acd0f7 #RunKeeper #
- The rain has not defeated me today. It usually lulls me back to sleep, prostate but today I got up and ran. Take that, medicine rain! #
- Jingle Bell Run, cialis 5k, Sunday, 12/12
Who's with me? @nevmonster @RobbyDawes @DrownInMercy @HowlinMadd # - At my daughter's sixth grade band Christmas concert. She's on snare and bass drum. #
- Bang the drum, @jackjillmaddie! π #
- Grace on the bass drum @ Manor Middle School http://instagr.am/p/b-wF/ #
- Sixth grade chorus singing Feliz Navidad. #
- Oh man! The wheels really fell off of that one! #
- Grace and her friends http://instagr.am/p/cAC6/ #
- Internet is up and down at work. Makes life difficult for a web developer. π #
- Just posted a photo @ Crossings Community Church http://instagr.am/p/cnD7/ #
- Church Christmas banquet. #
- Matt's New Guitar @ New Holland Coffee Co http://instagr.am/p/dg8x/ #
- RT Γ’β¬Ε@HowlinMadd: Engrish in action! http://yfrog.com/n1rvr012jΓ’β¬Β #