- Just completed a 3.02 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/ama19s #RunKeeper #
- Just completed a 4.01 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/amcg7x #RunKeeper #
- Breakfast http://instagr.am/p/E-4Wk/ #
- Hot and humid. I love this weather. Seriously. No sarcasm. I'll take this weather any day. #
- I love this weather! http://instagr.am/p/E_Uba/ #
- No idea what happened here http://instagr.am/p/FDEko/ #
- I'm getting to be like a WordPress shortcode ninja. #
- Lunch time. #
- If I see "whilst" in something you wrote, shop I instantly deduct 10 IQ points and/or add 10 pomposity points unless you're literally British. #
- Just completed a 5.04 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/aml2un #RunKeeper #
- Just completed a 7.02 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/amo1kt #RunKeeper #
- Really tired today. No run. Gonna take the pooch for a three mile walk instead. Maybe four. π #
- Just completed a 4.00 mi walk with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/amrs2d #RunKeeper #
- Got my stupid bald head stuck on a stupid fly strip this afternoon. And actually, viagra it wasn't nearly as funny as one might have expected. #
- Chalk art by Grace http://instagr.am/p/FQnmH/ #
- Just completed a 5.01 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/amt2w1 #RunKeeper #
Tag Archives: twitter
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-30
- Air and Space http://instagr.am/p/En4Bb/ #
- 56 @ Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum – Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center http://instagr.am/p/En4Zi/ #
- Blackbird @ Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum – Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center http://instagr.am/p/En423/ #
- Univac 1232 http://instagr.am/p/En82f/ #
- CDC 3800 http://instagr.am/p/En8-h/ #
- IDEX II Workstation http://instagr.am/p/En9Kc/ #
- IUE Control and Display System http://instagr.am/p/En93g/ #
- Enterprise http://instagr.am/p/En-ah/ #
- Ebola Gay http://instagr.am/p/EoIAn/ #
- Grace and the Waterman http://instagr.am/p/EoL8E/ #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/alu8yi #RunKeeper #
- Just posted a 6.00 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/alxdxq #RunKeeper #
- Happy 12th birthday to my sweet daughter, mind @jackjillmaddie! Love you, help kiddo! #
- Fountain http://instagr.am/p/EtBOT/ #
- Back in the saddle after three days of kind-of-but-not-really vacation. Gonna be a long day. #
- Just completed a 4.14 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/am2gwf #RunKeeper #
- My goal is to write two new songs over the long weekend. #
- This is so great: http://emergency.cdc.gov/socialmedia/zombies_blog.asp #
- Having a cookout for small group tonight. Good friends, seek good food, good night. #
- Just completed a 4.08 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/am569r #RunKeeper #
- Just completed a 5.10 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/am7032 #RunKeeper #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-23
- Rainy days kill me. So hard to wake up and then stay awake… #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/ale4g8 #RunKeeper #
- So apparently the world ends tomorrow. Maybe I should take the afternoon off. #
- Maybe this explains all the rain? π http://www.familyradio.com/graphical/literature/judgment/judgment.html #
- Oh man! Tomorrow's Judgement Day AND ALSO Talk Like Yoda Day! End of the world as we know it, order it is. Feel fine, thumb I do. #
- Well, nurse at least it was sunny for like a half an hour. Stupid apocalypse. #
- Aaaaaand it's pouring again. #
- Hey, @agcyphers I won't be all that disappointed if the world really does end. I have a LOT to do next week anyway. in reply to agcyphers #
- Just completed a 4.54 mi run – That was a terrible run. http://rnkpr.com/aln6bp #RunKeeper #
- Sunday School @ Crossings Community Church http://instagr.am/p/Ek4ub/ #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/alrb4g #RunKeeper #
- Waiting Room http://instagr.am/p/EnmXm/ #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-16
- At Central Manor Mart with for dinner with @jackjillmaddie π #
- Just completed a 4.02 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/aksf20 #RunKeeper #
- Don't miss Superficial Charm's Concert for Lily this Saturday – Lily and her family need your help! http://on.fb.me/jQZR33 #
- It will shock you how much this never happened. #
- My band's Benefit Concert for Lily Higgins is this Saturday at 7PM – come out and show your support! http://on.fb.me/jQZR33 #
- Currently being the A/V guy at the preschool "graduation" where my wife @theradmom teaches. #
- Italian Ice http://instagr.am/p/EGgaA/ #
- IT'S PRETZEL DAY! That is all. #
- I'm usually at my desk. Yet most of my phone calls come in those few minutes a day when I'm not. #
- Helping @jackjillmaddie with her algebra. #
- Goodness. What a week. And it ain't over yet. #
- Visiting Grandma at the hospital. She's not doing well these days. Not much to do but talk and hope that some part of her can hear me. #
- I never know what to say in situations like this. Everything sounds either trite or melodramatic. #
- Just completed a 5.12 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/al1876 #RunKeeper #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/al3o8l #RunKeeper #
- Phredd and Zach http://instagr.am/p/EO-r8/ #
- Hula Hoop Contest http://instagr.am/p/EO_XB/ #
- Dog water http://instagr.am/p/EPOgM/ #
- Using #realstudio is great because it helps conserve semicolons. @realsoftware #
- #realstudio has really simple-to-use database access. I love that. Probably my favorite part. @realsoftware #
- It's almost time! Superficial Charm's Concert for Lily starts in an hour and a half! 7PM in Mountville: http://on.fb.me/jQZR33 #
- Just completed a 4.01 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/al8lio #RunKeeper #
- Wow, pill what a weekend. Man, story I'm tired. #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-09
- Just completed a 4.04 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/ak94n3 #RunKeeper #
- This database is NOT cooperating. #
- Shame http://instagr.am/p/D1GiD/ #
- Cool Whip Kitty @ El Rancho Rhino http://instagr.am/p/D1jIu/ #
- Happy Star Wars Day, cure everybody! #
- Reactions to death of a terrorist http://bit.ly/k0izAv (via VoiceBrief http://bit.ly/hcyphM) #
- Don't miss Superficial Charm's Concert for Lily – a great way to support a young girl and family who need your help. http://on.fb.me/jQZR33 #
- Just completed a 4.04 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/aken35 #RunKeeper #
- Listening to some classic Neil Young this morning. #
- Don't miss Superficial Charm's Concert for Lily on May 14 – a great way to support a family who needs your help. http://on.fb.me/jQZR33 #
- Just posted a 6.00 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/akjz42 #RunKeeper #
- The view from my driveway – beautiful day! @ El Rancho Rhino http://instagr.am/p/D9pzT/ #
- Anji and Bob's wedding! π http://instagr.am/p/D9zh5/ #
- We've been praying for this wedding for a long time. π http://instagr.am/p/D90cj/ #
- Wedding Chocolate http://instagr.am/p/D9-gR/ #
- Don't miss Superficial Charm's Concert for Lily this Saturday! Great way to support a family who needs your help. http://on.fb.me/jQZR33 #
- Superficial Charm's Concert for Lily: Admission is free, there but we will collect donations for the Higgins family. http://on.fb.me/jQZR33 #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-02
- Just completed a 4.00 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/ajp59y #RunKeeper #
- Break @ Superficial Charm World Headquarters http://instagr.am/p/DllX6/ #
- Just completed a 3.99 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/ajtpta #RunKeeper #
- Mix @ Crossings Community Church http://instagr.am/p/Dnaes/ #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/ajwdnj #RunKeeper #
- There are animals lining up two by two outside my window. #
- Not a pretty day out there @ Manheim Township District Office http://instagr.am/p/DonCx/ #
- Grace and her best friend π @ El Rancho Rhino http://instagr.am/p/DpdZp/ #
- Just completed a 4.07 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/ajyv60 #RunKeeper #
- Just completed a 3.07 mi run – Race against racism. http://rnkpr.com/ak1hr7 #RunKeeper #
- Woohoo! My official time for the Race Against Racism was 23:52! My best time yet! #
- Team BCP @ Musser park http://instagr.am/p/DtRLB/ #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/ak3pkq #RunKeeper #
- Emmi's new towel http://instagr.am/p/DwRni/ #
- Racer Jon http://instagr.am/p/DwXrB/ #
- Grace and Kenobi http://instagr.am/p/DwYJh/ #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-25
- Just sent a fax. Suddenly nostalgic for the early 90s. Wait…. no, remedy it's passed now. #
- Grace's chalk tree http://instagr.am/p/DTJDQ/ #
- Grace in the chalk tree http://instagr.am/p/DTJRG/ #
- Silently judging you http://instagr.am/p/DTP3m/ #
- Just completed a 5.14 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/aj8k12 #RunKeeper #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/ajdp0d #RunKeeper #
- Launch 2011! http://instagr.am/p/DY6ah/ #
- Just posted a 3.00 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/ajhio8 #RunKeeper #
- Excellent Good Friday service last night. Point & play with four speakers, buy cialis all centered around the song "Were You There?" Good stuff. #
- My son bought a Toy Story "Talking Woody" doll with his Christmas money on Thursday. Never thought I'd be so tired of Tom Hanks's voice. #
- Stop that. RT @RobbyDawes: @bradrhine there's a snake in my boots! #
- Stop that! RT @jackjillmaddie: @bradrhine this town ain't big enough for the two of us. #
- STOP THAT! RT @jackjillmaddie: @bradrhine when there's trouble on the prairie, seek i'm your sheriff. #
- Busking π http://instagr.am/p/DeRFY/ #
- Cookie http://instagr.am/p/DgakH/ #
- Grace hunting eggs http://instagr.am/p/Dga3s/ #
- Egg search party http://instagr.am/p/Dgbrq/ #
- Just completed a 2.98 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/ajmp9a #RunKeeper #
- Rainbow http://instagr.am/p/DhGhW/ #
- My nerdy nephews π http://instagr.am/p/DhLPK/ #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-18
- Killer headache today. Just pounding. Not sure why. #
- Mmmm… pork chops… @ El Rancho Rhino http://instagr.am/p/DEKTn/ #
- Just completed a 1.25 mi walk – Walking the younglings and the pooch. http://rnkpr.com/aiq8dl #RunKeeper #
- Presentation later today… @ Manheim Township District Office http://instagr.am/p/DHDC9/ #
- Code monkey @ Manheim Township District Office http://instagr.am/p/DHDVq/ #
- Just posted a 5.00 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/aiv6vp #RunKeeper #
- Slippers http://instagr.am/p/DIJh9/ #
- Oh please, stuff oh please, oh please: http://www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2011/04/ray-davies-talks-kinks-reunion.html #
- Beggar @ El Rancho Rhino http://instagr.am/p/DJ2Bq/ #
- No iPhone app updates available at all? Really? #
- Fascinating infographics of mental disorders: http://www.adaptcreative.co.uk/2010/08/mental-disorder-posters/ #
- Lunch time. What am I hungry for? Panera? SaladWorks? Philly Soft Pretzel Factory? #
- Just registered account at Pennsylvania's website. They emailed my password back in plain text. Now considering moving to another state. #
- Heckuva job, there, Pennsylvania. #
- Just completed a 5.27 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/aiznyz #RunKeeper #
- Jen doesn't like doing the bills… @ El Rancho Rhino http://instagr.am/p/DNcg7/ #
- Lexington http://instagr.am/p/DNyv9/ #
- Jonathan http://instagr.am/p/DNy9E/ #
- Grace http://instagr.am/p/DNzMN/ #
- Just posted a 5.00 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/aj1xfj #RunKeeper #
- Grace and Katie @ Crossings Community Church http://instagr.am/p/DQMqv/ #
- Two baptisms today! @ Crossings Community Church http://instagr.am/p/DQO_U/ #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/aj4r6v #RunKeeper #
- First one of the day… http://instagr.am/p/DSLdt/ #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-11
- West of House
You are standing in an open field west of a white house, here with a boarded front door.
There is a small mailbox here. # - Just completed a 4.04 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/ai7yum #RunKeeper #
- Just posted a 12.00 mi bike ride – Taking a rest from running today. http://rnkpr.com/ai920w #RunKeeper #
- Just posted a 12.00 mi bike ride – Taking a rest from running today. http://rnkpr.com/ai9271 #RunKeeper #
- Cool! I just got a 419 scam email from Iraq! #
- These pretzels are making me thirsty. #
- Just came from district budget meeting. It's not a good time to be a Pennsylvania school. Very thankful for my job. #
- BlockbusterΓ’β¬β’s Unlikely Savior?
http://blogs.wsj.com/deals/2011/04/06/blockbusters-unlikely-savior/ # - Jack gives Grace a kiss http://instagr.am/p/C5oXI/ #
- One year ago today, site I started the Couch to 5k program with @c25kapp. Three 5ks and one half marathon later, generic I feel better than I ever have! #
- Dentist appointment coming up in 50 minutes. Which means I should be done at the dentist in like 60 minutes. #
- At chiropractor. Crack bang boom. #
- Oh yeah! http://instagr.am/p/C7UlP/ #
- Just posted a 5.00 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/aigp9e #RunKeeper #
- I totally bought all 99 games in Atari's Greatest Hits for my iPhone and iPad yesterday. It was never really in question. #
- http://dl.dropbox.com/u/242318/related.png @eaciv @lfaren #
- I recently write a really cool WordPress plugin that I might release. Useful for grabbing random dummy images. #
- My band, Superficial Charm, plays @ The Gathering In Marietta tonight. Show starts @ 7 and we go on @ 8. Also featuring @augusttooctober! #
- This is great: http://xkcd.com/883/ #
- And also Jerry… http://instagr.am/p/C9eeH/ #
- Welcome to The Gathering http://instagr.am/p/C9erB/ #
- Had a great time last night playing at The Gathering! Really tired this morning for the Easter egg hunt, though… #
- Spin-A-Prize @ Crossings Community Church http://instagr.am/p/C-jix/ #
- My niece, the rock star π @ Crossings Community Church http://instagr.am/p/C-v4K/ #
- RT @jackjillmaddie: I pulled a muscle in my tongue. I'm skilled. And yes, I did use a dictionary to see how to spell tongue. #
- Got some new running shoes today. Gonna break them in at the Conewago Trail tomorrow afternoon with a nice long run. Can't wait! #
- Messing with ToonPaint http://instagr.am/p/DBxYx/ #
- Still playing with ToonPaint http://instagr.am/p/DBywX/ #
- Just posted a 5.00 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/ain3j9 #RunKeeper #
- The new running shoes did well for their first run today. I got a pair of Nike Dart VIIIs yesterday. I don't go for expensive shoes. π #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-04
- Anybody out there jailbreak 4.3 (or 4.3.1) on a 3GS yet? #
- Another @panerabread smoked turkey sandwich successfully consumed. #winning #
- Just entered a competition to win a shiny new iPad 2, store courtesy of @ipadappstorm! Γ’β¬β http://enva.to/dRoGxY #
- text-align: centaur; (see http://textaligncentaur.com for details) #
- wow, cialis @derekwebb is going for broke right out of the gate with democracy vol 2! in reply to derekwebb #
- Dude on Lancaster Craigslist is selling a "Gibson Epiphone (Fender Strat copy)". Makes my head hurt. I don't even know what that would be. #
- Grace and I are having a retro night @ El Rancho Rhino http://instagr.am/p/CqCap/ #
- Catzilla destroys your marshmallow civilization http://instagr.am/p/CqNEU/ #
- Unexpected but very nice lunch with @HowlinMadd today. π #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/ahxbv2 #RunKeeper #
- The EPIC Evolution of Technology
http://j.mp/hkxgaU # - Planning another gathering of the Etown Survivors' Guild. Should be fun. #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/ahzbbu #RunKeeper #
- Chocolate covered raisins + Cool Whip = not as good as I'd hoped. #
- Is it just me or does Firefox kinda suck these days? #
- Can't believe it on April 1. April Fool's Day, site indeed! #
- You, too, can be an autocompleter: http://www.google.com/intl/en/jobs/uslocations/mountain-view/autocompleter/index.html #
- Type "helvetica" into Google if you haven't yet today. Awesome. #
- Home with @jackjillmaddie and Jonathan while @theradmom attends a bridal shower. Currently being attacked by the cat. #
- We're going to plunder the soon-to-be-closed local Blockbuster today, too. #
- Just completed a 9.95 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/ai32zx #RunKeeper #
- My son just got his finger nibbled by a pony. He cried & cried. I'm a terrible person; I thought it was pretty funny. He's fine, btw. #
- Just completed a 3.21 mi run – Pro tip: don't eat a bunch of corn chips right before running. http://rnkpr.com/ai5glt #RunKeeper #
- This is your brain on drugs. http://instagr.am/p/C0CSY/ #