- Just posted a 4.00 mi run – #RWRunStreak http://t.co/5eizh41y #RunKeeper #
- About to watch "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure" with the kids. Ah, healing the classics. #
- Pizza Night! (gluten free, of course) @ Today's Pizza http://t.co/L9ICjJ9Q #
- Word. RT @derekwebb: i wanna be careful not to overstate this, but i'm not sure i would want to live in a world without diet dr. pepper #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run – #RWRunStreak http://t.co/CV4wqB0F #RunKeeper #
- Homemade donuts (gluten free, of course) @ El Rancho Rhino http://t.co/OdG6Syrg #
- Yes. Yes, I did. 🙂 @ El Rancho Rhino http://t.co/Qkvk8nvo #
- Just posted a 5.00 mi run – #RWRunStreak – 3 runs to go! http://t.co/Bc4tnxOY #RunKeeper #
- Just completed a 4.05 mi run – Felt so good to run outside! #RWRunStreak http://t.co/GULhUOMw #RunKeeper #
- Just completed a 6.12 mi run – #RWRunStreak – 1 more run! http://t.co/9nEchfod #RunKeeper #
- 2012. Wow. #
- Starting off 2012 on the right foot. @ El Rancho Rhino http://t.co/BvlFO1UY #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run – #RWRunStreak is complete! For me, that makes 41 days running in a row. :). http://t.co/SbwWfqLk #RunKeeper #
- I made it! And I had two toenails left! 🙂 RT @runnersworld: The #RWRunStreak technically ends today. Who made it all the way through? #
- Just did the math. I logged 166.5 miles on the #RWRunStreak 🙂 #
Tag Archives: twitter
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-12-26
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run – #RWRunStreak http://t.co/ilSXOlvs #RunKeeper #
- Best thing about working in an office populated primarily by females: the chocolate flows freely in December. #
- My Apple/iTunes account got hacked. Not terribly happy about that. #
- Just posted a 3.00 mi run – 29 days in a row! #RWRunStreak http://t.co/WNlYcNu8 #RunKeeper #
- And such as. #
- Made up, sickness but probably true. RT @madeupstats: One in three apostrophes is now used to make word's plural. #
- I'm kind of regretting that big slice of red onion that I put on my breakfast sandwich this morning. #
- Why do I suddenly have "Good Thing" by Fine Young Cannibals going through my head? #
- Firefox just updated itself (version 28 or something) and promptly froze up. Awesome! #
- Just posted a 5.00 mi run – 30 days straight so far – #RWRunStreak http://t.co/AmX0wVvE #RunKeeper #
- RT @philipcreamer: "It's a good thing Chris Tomlin was born, sovaldi because apparently every great hymn & Christmas song was lacking a chorus." 🙂 #
- This headache is proving to be a formidable opponent. #
- "Outlook not so good." This magic 8-ball knows everything! #
- When I woke up this morning, I did not expect to lead the District Office staff in a singalong on a conference call. Stay alert, people. #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run – #RWRunStreak http://t.co/s76dhg9u #RunKeeper #
- Just posted a 3.00 mi run – #RWRunStreak – 9 more runs to go! http://t.co/vQiuKZts #RunKeeper #
- Just posted a 5.00 mi run with @RunKeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/IOLfFmHt #RunKeeper #
- This is what it's all about, folks @ El Rancho Rhino http://t.co/2UmfRroR #
- Happy kids with iPads @ El Rancho Rhino http://t.co/MYQQhccF #
- Jonathan has had his iPad for 30 minutes and is already watching "Empire Strikes Back" on it. Good thing I preloaded all six episodes. 🙂 #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run – Merry Christmas! #RWRunStreak http://t.co/k9rLcCXc #RunKeeper #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-12-19
- Just posted a 3.11 mi run with @RunKeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/JDKYe65k #RunKeeper #
- Brad & Jen at Vision Columbia http://t.co/XPmjrPqr #
- Jerry at Vision Columbia http://t.co/Rklfxc3F #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run with @RunKeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/ziHJlXRQ #RunKeeper #
- Sometimes OS X really, ambulance really wants me to switch to column view. Today it tried six times to get me to switch. But I hate column view. #
- My son is notable for 2 things: watching The Phantom Menace more times than anyone & being the only one who thinks it's the best SW film. #
- Brought good headphones to work to replace the earbuds. Earbuds are handy but nothing compared to headphones that cover the whole ear. #
- New album from The Shins in March! Woohoo! http://t.co/jonXhYD9 #
- Fire drill! #
- Jen's stuck on a level. 🙂 @ El Rancho Rhino http://t.co/WRiu4zCl #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run with @RunKeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/PHJnHPxI #RunKeeper #
- That never happens to me 🙂 RT @eyeswideshut17: That moment you realize it's raining and it's gonna screw up your hair… #pissed #
- I am so loving the barcode scanner in @loseitapp #
- I'm saddened today by the news of Hitchens passing. #
- I'm putting the finishing touches on a WordPress plugin that talks to our AS/400. I have a feeling that not many people have done that. #
- This day is done. I'm calling it. Time of death: 4PM. #
- Time to head home and hit the treadmill. #RWRunStreak #
- Just posted a 3.00 mi run with @RunKeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/aq6Hp33I #RunKeeper #
- Made some homemade gluten free bread for Jen & the kids with the new bread maker. They really seemed to like it! #
- Gonna try to get in a six or seven miler today. #RWRunStreak #
- Just posted a 7.00 mi run – #RWRunStreak http://t.co/BllQcG5c #RunKeeper #
- Grace gave me a Trix tongue tattoo @ El Rancho Rhino http://t.co/lj0mYTdP #
- Just posted a 3.00 mi run – #RWRunStreak http://t.co/E8jeYs4T #RunKeeper #
- Bad choice, dog. Bad choice. @ El Rancho Rhino http://t.co/UT7Cvph1 #
- This morning on my way to work I passed a pickup truck with two goats in the back. On the highway. #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-12-12
- Just posted a 3.00 mi run – 14 days running in a row! http://t.co/zEp4vS5K #RunKeeper #
- Christmas lights in the office http://t.co/XOsGFQWV #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run with @RunKeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/AjuE3N66 #RunKeeper #
- Luanched the App Store to find updates for @alfredapp and @sparrowmailapp – woohoo! Two of my favorite apps! #
- Worst nativity sets of 2011: http://t.co/voKQUAnf #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run with @RunKeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/BAirE1po #RunKeeper #
- This is why I love Tom Crawford http://t.co/nGsJ3mGt #
- I just spent some time playing Marathon, sovaldi sale which is one of the greatest games of all time. And now open source. Love it. #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run with @RunKeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/gw4AchFA #RunKeeper #
- I love how "I don't mean to be critical" is *always* followed by something very critical. #
- I wonder how many toenails I'll have left by the end of the #RWRunStreak #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run with @RunKeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/W7KB5hVD #RunKeeper #
- Buzz Lightyear presents… cookies! @ Crossings Community Church http://t.co/a9qz2uEt #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run with @RunKeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/Wm1N69iE #RunKeeper #
- Just posted a 3.00 mi run with @RunKeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/NFpF7Yry #RunKeeper #
- Helping @jackjillmaddie with her math homework. We're identifying arithmetic and geometric sequences. You're jealous. I can tell. #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-12-05
- Well, cialis that was a crappy way to start a day. Or week. #
- On an average day, I carry 628 GB of storage with me. #
- Getting ready http://t.co/C2ng7Q6h #
- Installing Windows 7 on a new partition on my church's MacBook. I will not be using this partition after tonight. #
- My wife said she had to address 43 envelopes tonight. By hand. She has now witnessed the power of MAIL MERGE! And she's done early. 🙂 #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run with @RunKeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/fiPT3dE2 #RunKeeper #
- Listening to A Very She & Him Christmas. This might be my new favorite Christmas album. #
- Woke up with such a headache… oww…. #
- Taz on the tree http://t.co/cfCZtf1r #
- Just posted a 3.00 mi run with @RunKeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/A5hrD9Ri #RunKeeper #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run with @RunKeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/iAwTKgTW #RunKeeper #
- First day of December. That means I made it through National Adoption Month without adopting any additional kids. For now. 😉 #
- Grace is not enjoying the holiday concert http://t.co/cgh8iit3 #
- The Bible app runs? 🙂 RT @YouVersion: Just posted a 2.10 mi run – First run since the race, felt good. http://t.co/nKDj49Uj #RunKeeper #
- I need to stop telling my computer to shut up. I do that a lot. #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run with @RunKeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/wm3cImpA #RunKeeper #
- My son is wearing a Superman cape and carrying a lightsaber and a yoyo. I asked him who he was supposed to be. He said Batman. #
- Just completed a 6.06 mi run with @RunKeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/FjAF19ch #RunKeeper #
- Jedi Grace http://t.co/bXB9X05n #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run with @RunKeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/Swkzxr1O #RunKeeper #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-11-28
- Just posted a 5.00 mi run with @RunKeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/Yn8MkAEE #RunKeeper #
- Just fired up Dreamweaver (don't ask). Goodness, patient what an ugly app! How do people use this thing? #
- I don't understand people who send an email with a Word attachment for 2 paragraphs of text. "See attached!" Um, no. Put it in the body. #
- I love evenings when I already ran in the AM. No pressure to work out tonight. #
- Sneak Attack @ El Rancho Rhino http://t.co/EsCi1Uir #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run with @RunKeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/8xcpfX8G #RunKeeper #
- Wow, I just realized that I've been using Macs for 20 years. Got my first one in 1991. A Mac Classic for college. #
- Looking forward to starting Thanksgiving Day with a 5k race. Turkey Trot! #
- Just completed a 3.05 mi run – Turkey Trot! Happy Thanksgiving! http://t.co/JpLYsp3k #RunKeeper #
- I wish she could really do this.., http://t.co/IFbbHzek #
- Cool Mint Chocolate Chip Pie http://t.co/I62qgYnj #
- I just got some FREE music from Matt Wertz on @noisetrade. Download it here: http://t.co/65V9SHwm #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run with @RunKeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/nvbg4OJv #RunKeeper #
- What an absolutely gorgeous day outside! I wish it could be like this all winter long. #
- My Padawan http://t.co/fLH6Phjq #
- Looking for any thoughts on a @GretschUSA acoustic/electric. Anybody use one? #
- Just completed a 6.01 mi run with @RunKeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/onc4rdvn #RunKeeper #
- Nice, low key day with the family. Cooking up some sirloin tips for dinner. #
- Although I did spend more time on a ladder today than I usually do, thanks to canceling Dish Network. #
- Just posted a 3.12 mi run – Getting ready for another turkey dinner :). http://t.co/Lar02QP0 #RunKeeper #
- And now for another turkey dinner. This one was postponed by some illness on my wife's side of the family. #
- Stuffed http://t.co/LrBVWUQ8 #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run with @RunKeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/nvwDEyEU #RunKeeper #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-11-21
- Jon made my name tag at the adoption support group tonight 🙂 http://t.co/mM1KmlH0 #
- Just posted a 3.10 mi run with @RunKeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/A5sgKAUN #RunKeeper #
- Cancelled Dish Network today. Always had good service, viagra sale but we're going with antenna + NetFlix now. #
- Moving a WordPress installation and listening to U2's The Unforgettable Fire. #
- Just posted a 12.00 mi bike ride with @RunKeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/GoJHxKu6 #RunKeeper #
- Upgrading my WPMU 2.8 site to WordPress Multisite. Here's hoping… #
- Anyone else remember when Firefox used to be a fast browser? Anyone? #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run with @RunKeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/YpEvk3In #RunKeeper #
- Always amused when I get behind a really slow car & it turns out to be a Mustang. HEY, MUSTANG – THE GUY WITH THE CHEVY HHR IS CATCHING UP! #
- Just heard someone refer to Thanksgiving as Turkey Day. I don't know why, but that always bugs me. #
- Fire drill! #
- Just posted a 6.00 mi run with @RunKeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/oFA4fjBt #RunKeeper #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-11-14
- First step in troubleshooting or testing a web app: Stop using Internet Explorer. Always. Seriously. Honestly. Stop it. Please. #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run – Winter goal: keep pace below 8 min/mile for runs 5 miles & under. http://t.co/rnXlLE0g #RunKeeper #
- Holy crap, treat Firefox! Knock it off! #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run with @RunKeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/MRxn4GZF #RunKeeper #
- Google should be ashamed of how we have to manage users in Google Apps. Absolutely ashamed. #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run with @RunKeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/c4V9ozGh #RunKeeper #
- Thinking about running the Millersville Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning. Anyone wanna join me? #
- Oh, store the dreaded "My Adobe isn't working" call. #
- Okay, last time: when it doesn't work in Internet Explorer, try another browser. ANY OTHER BROWSER. #
- Just posted a 6.00 mi run with @RunKeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/7Pf7RlCe #RunKeeper #
- My water heater broke this morning. Lovely. (Note: It's NOT a HOT water heater. My hot water does not require heating; it's already hot.) #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run with @RunKeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/NFLVUwqo #RunKeeper #
- Painting Day http://t.co/x0gDcvoo #
- Just signed up for this year's Millersville Turkey Trot. A 5K seems like a great way to start Thanksgiving Day! #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-11-07
- Little Pumpkin http://t.co/CE3yI0H9 #
- Why am I eating candy corn? I hate this stuff! #
- Red Riding Hood & Anakin @ El Rancho Rhino http://t.co/dCeAMrp9 #
- Good morning, click November. #
- I just registered a new domain for a new music project I'm starting with some friends. Very excited! #
- Wow, see Angry Birds has been downloaded half a billion times. That's unreal. #
- Just completed a 4.02 mi run with @RunKeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/0OND5Uo7 #RunKeeper #
- Why do so many non-tech people say "Modzilla" with a "d" in it? Seriously, where's the d? I truly do not understand. #
- Installing the Windows 8 Developer Preview on VirtualBox. #
- Superficial Charm plays at Field of Screams tonight! Sets at 7, 8, and 9! Guaranteed to be the least scary part of the evening! #
- Hmmm… apparently &nsbp; doesn't do the same thing as #
- PHP is so fussy! You have to type your variable names EXACTLY THE SAME WAY every single time! Sheesh! #
- Packing up for the day. If you're in the Lancaster area tonight, stop by Fields of Scream to hear my band! We play sets at 7, 8, and 9! #
- After the gig @ Field Of Screams http://t.co/KIqb1ieo #
- Everybody's a critic @ Field Of Screams http://t.co/NMsHimWJ #
- Just completed a 4.02 mi run – When I left, it was warm. It got cold fast! http://t.co/ktnf9DHc #RunKeeper #
- Whoa! RT @runnersworld: Three-time U.S. Olympian Jen Rhines has dropped out of the race. #RWNYC #INGNYCM More: http://t.co/9aygJ6Q2 #
- Jiminy! @ El Rancho Rhino http://t.co/AlKCsbpa #
- Fall Festival today at Crossings! @ Crossings Community Church http://t.co/q1ZsGLBh #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-31
- Just posted a 10.00 mi bike ride with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/1sfz8iKz #RunKeeper #
- Publishing video on your own server (no YouTube, sick Vimeo, doctor etc.) and supporting ALL major browsers (inc IE8 and iPad/iPhone) is a major pain. #
- Trunk full of pumpkins @ El Rancho Rhino http://t.co/MLVrt9mc #
- Just completed a 4.01 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/yEXG5Wd1 #RunKeeper #
- Waking up late and having to drive your kid to school because you didn't make the bus on time isn't a great way to start the day. #
- Just completed a 5.05 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/PfZXxk96 #RunKeeper #
- I just got a $2 credit for albums @amazonmp3. Click http://t.co/TqcZcSn5 to get yours. #hoorayfornewmusic #
- Fair warning everyone: if we get the snow they're calling for, still in October, I will completely fall apart. #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/21eFNXOm #RunKeeper #
- Where I would rather be http://t.co/Vy320VZL #
- In case anyone is wondering, I still hate Halloween. http://t.co/TrwJkg81 #