The Girl Who Cried Webmaster

The Girl Who Cried Webmaster: We took a table in the quietest spot I could find. I told her that I’d met with Whistleblower. At the mere mention of Whistleblower’s name, her face darkened. I don’t read AccordionGuy all that often, but I was intrigued by this story. It was so well written and so . . . kinda creepy, I guess.

All Things Being Equal, Which They Aren’t

John Dvorak: Right now, all things being equal, Apple should be able to grab half the market for operating systems. If it’s as aggressive as Microsoft was with Netscape and essentially gives away the OS to the installed base, Apple could possibly knock Microsoft out of the box completely. Hey, that’s great, John, but how does Apple make money by giving away its OS on hardware it doesn’t sell? Am I missing something?

Verizon and T-1000

You know, whenever someone mentions Verizon, I think of Terminator 2: Judgment Day. Why, you ask?

Remember the scene where T-1000 (wonderfully played by Robert Patrick), who was previously invincible, was frozen with (I believe) liquid nitrogen and shattered into a billion little pieces? That’s Bell. Then, when things warmed up, all the little pieces melted back into liquid and reassembled into T-1000 again. That’s Verizon. Think about it.

And if you haven’t seen T2, go rent it. Very good movie.