So, cialis it looks like the GPL may finally be tested in court. Should be interesting. Related discussion here.
Author Archives: brad
From The Ether
Bob Metcalfe, the inventor of Ethernet: The speech I’m going to give on Thursday is called “Ethernet vs. Godzilla.” The idea is that Ethernet has encountered a series of competitors out trying to kill it. The number is huge. The most famous is the IBM token ring. It was among the many Godzillas and the most formidable because it was backed by the dominant monopoly in computing at the time. I really enjoyed his column in InfoWorld. It hasn’t been the same magazine since he left. His wry humor was always great, from his very specific prediction of the Internet stock bubble bursting to his constant references to the “Open Sores” movement.
Moral Fiber
Desktop Joe says: For me to be accused of corrupting the moral fiber of a person like rhino is absurd. Yeah, whatever, dude. In 1997, I asked him what a good format would be in which I could post some of band’s music on the Internet. His immediate response was MP3. I hadn’t ever heard of MP3. Sounded like another music video channel to me.
Then, in 1998, I started working with Joe. Suddenly, it all became clear. That’s all I’ll say on this matter for now. 🙂
Hey, Mac
Crazy Apple Rumors: According to Yang, Lindquist repeatedly refers to his 1.42 GHz Power Mac as “an Apple” while dispensing handy advice on what corporate decisions “Mac” should make. Go, brother. I constantly come in contact with people who do exactly that. It’s maddening. They are often the same folks that think any machine running Windows is an IBM.
Edit This
Dave Winer: Right on. I’ve been using a desktop app to write Scripting News for years. The browser is not a great writing tool. What?? Last I checked, Dave Winer was the person saying that desktop apps were dead, that all writing should be done in the browser, becuase that’s a tool everyone knows. “Edit this page!” and all that. OK, maybe not quite that dogmatic. I’ve been surprised at two things. First, the number of people willing to pay $40 for Radio, a tool that really has no GUI. There’s no app that an average can interact with in a meaningful way. Second, the number of people who have contacted me about Frequency to ask, “When will it work with Radio?” Interesting.
Movable Dave
Just for my dear friend David, online two links on setting up MovableType on OS X. He already has it running on his hosted site, but I thought he might find these interesting. SuckEffect and Kirk SamuelSon.
I Neglected To Mention Yesterday
I neglected to mention yesterday that the vCal standard also rules. I regret the oversight.
Not To Be Trifled With
Mark Pilgrim: Now, for those who don’t know, let me assure you that cat urine is even more pungent in the confines of a small space like, say, a car. Even with all the windows open and the air vents on full blast and the car barreling down Route 1 at 85 miles an hour, the smell is not to be trifled with.
It Has Come To My Attention
It has come to my attention that the following things rule:
PHP iCalendar
Cascading Style Sheets
That is all.
This Can Backfire
How to Dodge Religious Solicitors: Pretend to be deaf. Point to your ears, viagra sale shake your head, generic and make intricate movements your fingers and hands. This can backfire if they happen to know sign language. In that case, switch to being blind. Other gems await.