Panther Coming

Here’s a Panther walkthrough.

Here’s another (sorry, no permalink to be found).

Panther definitely looks cool. The improvements to Mail will be quite welcome by my colleagues and myself. The new Finder interface doesn’t look that bad; people should stop pissing and moaning. David, who had a chance to see it an action at NECC, said that Exposé is awesome.

One thing that frightens me, though, is tabpanels. They look significantly different in the screenshots I’ve seen. I wonder how weird they’ll make my programs look?

SOAP Opera

From Evan Williams, via the Blogger Developer Network: We will not be implementing or supporting the Blogger API 2.0… Well, thanks for telling us now. We are moving away from XML-RPC… and toward SOAP. Doh! Just when I finally had my half-baked XML-RPC stuff working really well! Dang. Interoperability… Well, OK. I must admit that this would be nice. But I don’t see why it can’t be done with XML-RPC. Why force all of us who make blogging clients learn, test, and implement a new protocol?

Brent Simmons agrees. And I’m with Brent. I may not like it, but there are pragmatic reasons to support it: customers. They’ve paid for a tool and they expect it to work. It’s my job to make it work.

Jake Savin of Userland chimes in as well: Will it be worth it? Will what we have at the end of this process be better than what we already have? I don’t have a crystal ball, but my fear is that we developers will have a large amount of work to do if we want to support this decision, and that the benefit to our users will be negligable. Well said, Jake.

Here’s another link to Ben Trott’s article on Why We Need Echo.

It’s a scary world when Dave Winer sounds like the voice of reason.

Two Words

Frequency Pro.

More words: I’ve cleared the first major hurdle. That’s good and bad. It’s good because it’s one less hurdle that needs to be jumped. It’s bad because now I can see the remaining hurdles more clearly, and there are several more than I expected.

Here’s hoping for a fall beta, but no promises.

In the meantime, if you’re interested in a beta Frequency 1.2, let me know!

House Guest Redux

House guest has returned to her parents. We made the custody exchange at church this morning. Grace is noticably less stressed; she is quite unused to competition for Mommy’s and Daddy’s attention. Overall, the visit went well. House guest was generally well-behaved, as was Grace. Their interaction, however, often left something to be desired.