- Oh man! My ID badge just fell off my lanyard and landed in the urinal. #
- Just posted a 4.00 mi run with @RunKeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/JtxVi9Lf #RunKeeper #
- Phone rings. "Hello?" "Hey Brad, buy do you know anything about Microsoft Excel?" "Yes, buy Microsoft Excel hates us all." #
- It's been snowing for hours and there's just a dusting on the ground. This is my kind of snow. #
- Just posted a 3.00 mi run with @RunKeeper. Check it out! http://t.co/XHQ7TgSQ #RunKeeper #
- Just switched from Echofon to Tweetbot + Twitterific (using Tweet Marker – I used Echofon for its multi-device timeline sync). #
- At Conestoga Valley Middle School for Grace's first TSA competition. #
- Wow. Lots of downtime at a TSA competition. #
- At the theater. Seats chosen. 3D glasses donned. Waiting for The Phantom Menace. Happy birthday, physician Jonathan! #
- Celebrate every milestone. You never know which one may also be a finish line. #