Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-10-04

  • After almost one full year of development, diagnosis the new website at work is live: #
  • Kids are in bed. Time to watch Chuck! Woot! #
  • This subversion checkin is taking way longer than I expected. Probably because it's like 3 gigs. #
  • Just completed a 2.98 mi run – Ran with hand weights – way harder than I expected. #RunKeeper #
  • I just completed stage 1, day 1 of #CrunchFu – I did 28 crunches (10 in a row) and scored a A++ grade! #
  • I miss summer. I know a lot of people like autumn and the cooler temps, but I'll take 90 and humid, thanks. #
  • Rainy mornings make me so sleepy… #
  • Got home to learn that the power's out. Yay. Guess we're going out for dinner! #
  • Out at the Lincoln Highway Diner with the family since we have no power at home. Mmmmm… pancakes. šŸ™‚ #
  • Power is still out. Going on five hours. šŸ™ #
  • Just completed a 4.04 mi run – Four miles, lots of hills, three pound weight in each hand. #RunKeeper #
  • I just completed stage 1, day 2 of #CrunchFu – I did 48 crunches (26 in a row) and scored a A++ grade! #
  • This has the potential to be the worst movie ever: #
  • My wife gave the dog a bad haircut. He's all jaggy now. He looks low resolution. It's like having an animated GIF for a pet. #
  • .@toddhiggins I miss Clarus. And Claris for that matter. in reply to toddhiggins #
  • Just completed a 5.06 mi run – Ran without weights & felt like I was flying. #RunKeeper #
  • On the bridge for the Columbia Bridge Bust. #
  • The kids are disposing of the leftover ice. #
  • Long day at the Bridge Bust. But a good day! Made lots of connections with folks and gave lots of lollipops to kids. And had soft pretzels. #
  • Doing another low key, mostly acoustic set tomorrow morning. Me on my trusty old white Alvarez and my main man & goto guy Jeff on bass. #
  • My niece at lunch today: "Daddy, can I be full now?" #
  • Chilling at the mall with my number one homeboy. šŸ˜‰ #
  • Olive Garden. Awwww yeah. #

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