- Still not feeling great. Sore throat, remedy pounding headache, pharmacy and really really tired. #
- Eating some chicken soup that my mom dropped off this morning. My mom rocks. 🙂 #
- RT @etudeapp I just got a FREE copy of SimpleChord to go with Etude: http://etudeapp.com/tweet #
- I am having a Dave Mancuso moment… They have free wifi at MacDonalds 😉 /via @lownsbery #
- High five etiquette: http://tinyurl.com/ybd3gal #
- "Into The Woods" at Manheim Township High School. Kids are doing a great job. Intermission, sovaldi sale then Act II. My daughter thought it was over. 🙂 #
- Hot tub time. Awww yeah…. #