Good News and Bad News

The good news is that Frequency 2.0b2 is running on Windows.

The better news is that Mike’s surgery went well.

The bad news is that I still feel like crap.

wood glueMy head weighs about 90 pounds right now, 65 pounds of which is entirely comprised of a substance suspiciously like Elmer’s Wood Glue. That’s the thick, yellow stuff that real men use to stick wood to wood, not the thin, runny, white stuff little kids use in school.

But the good news is that Frequency 2.0b2 is running on Windows. All features check out OK so far. Once I hit b3, I’ll let my Windows testers take a crack at it. I’m sure there will be much to fix. Dave found a few minor issues with b1 last night, but I was able to wrap them pretty quickly.

On another bright note, I’ve discovered the joys of remote debugging with REALbasic 5.5. It’s amazing. Makes life so much easier than it used to be.

Well, I’m off to bed. If I feel again tomorrow like I did today, I’ll likely stay home (I did go in today).

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